Department Achievements:
- Department was granted a fund of Rs. 1.68 Crore to strengthen the research facilities under FIST-2021 program by DST, GoI, New Delhi.
- Chemical Engineering Society – AIChE student chapter won the AIChE outstanding Student Chapter Award 2021, 2022, 2023 & 2024 consecutively.
- Chemical Engineering Society – AIChE student chapter has hosted the AIChE Student Regional conference 2023.
- The UG program of the department was granted accreditation for 5 years for the period of 2016 to 2021.
- The PG program of the department was granted accreditation for 5 years for the period of 2014 to 2019.
- Chemical Engineering Society – AIChE student chapter won the AIChE outstanding Student Chapter Award 2022.
- Dr. Sarita Kalla has joined the Editorial Board of Microporous and Mesoporous Materials Journal (SCIE, Elsevier Publications) as an Early Career Editorial Council Board (ECCB) member.
- Mr. Purusottam Tripathy (Ph.D. Scholar) and Dr. Sarita Kalla have been awarded a grant of ₹7 lakh for their startup innovation, SolarPure. This funding was provided under the Startup Srujan Seed Support (S4) Program by the Gujarat Student Startup & Innovation Hub (i-Hub).