Department of Chemical Engineering

Details of Conferences:

Name of Conference Coordinators Sponsoring Agency Duration
International Conference on “Recent Trends in Engineering and Science” (RTES-2023) Dr. Sarita kalla Dr. Deepak Joshi Dr. S. K. Srivastava Dr. Ketan Kuperkar SVNIT + Self Sponsored 02/05/2023 to 03/05/2023
National Conference on “Recent Advance in Chemical Engineering towards Sustainable Future” Dr. Jigisha Parikh Dr. Meghal Desai Dr. Sanjay Patel Dr. G. C. Jadeja Dr. S. K. Sundar In Association with ICT –IOC Bhubaneswar Self- Sponsored 17/02/2022 to 18/02/2022
Advances in Sustainable Research for Energy and Environment Dr. A. K. Mungray Dr. V.N. Lad Dr. A. A. Mungray Dr. Jogender Singh Dr. M. Chakraborty Self- Sponsored 06/08/2021 To 08/08/2021
Advances in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Dr. A. K. Jana Dr. V. K. Rathore Dr. M. Chakraborty Dr. P. A. Parikh Self- Sponsored 16/04/2021 to 17/04/2021
International Conference on “Green Chemistry and Engineering towards Sustainable Development : An Industrial Prospective” Dr. Jigisha Parikh Dr. Meghal Desai Dr. Sanjay Patel Dr. G. C. Jadeja Dr. S. K. Sundar Self- Sponsored 16/06/2021 to 18/06/2021
2nd International Conference on “Future of Engineering Systems and Technologies, (FEST2020)” Dr. Jogender Singh FIST, New Delhi in Association with NIET, Greater Noida 18/12/2020 To 19/12/2020
“Nanotechnology Applications: Chemical, Energy and Environment (NACEE-2017)” Dr. M. Mukhopadhyay Dr. C. M. Patel Dr. V. N. Lad Dr. C. M. Patel Dr. Z. V. P. Murthy TEQIP-II 22/03/2017 to 23/03/2017
Annual Summit on “Research and Innovation” Dr. Meghal A.Desai TEQIP-II 15/10/2016