The Office of the Dean R&C has been set up to extend support and to encourage the faculty to accelerate the research activities in the institute. The Office of the Dean R&C offers administrative support and guidance to all Research & Consultancy activities in the institute and maintains complete records of Sponsored Research Projects and Consultancy Assignments by implementation of related guidelines set by the institute. Facilitating and coordinating all research and development activities is the primary aim of the office. The Office assists ASHINE activities for start-up/incubation and documenting outside-world activities through signing MOUs. To facilitate faculty members for their efforts in enhancing research goals and solving societal issues in the form of consultancies for processing documents, keeping data records, and further pushing for financial settlement of grant/consultancy amount. Moreover, this office aims to establish an IPR Cell for converting research innovations into patents and thereby creating a mechanism for increasing the IRG of the institute.