Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Patent Granted / Filed

Details of Patent Granted / Filed (2023 - 2024)

Sr. No. Details


Aman Framewala, Dhiren Patel , Sarvesh Harale, Vasu Mistry, Sanket Shanbhag, Bhavesh Borisaniya, “Method and system for maintaining chain of custody for evidence and verifying integrity of Electronic evidence through Smart contract on Blockchain”, Indian Patent No. 433709, October 2020 (granted in July 2023)


Sarvesh Harale, Aman Framewala, Dhiren Patel , Sanket Shanbhag, “Method and system for analyzing and visualizing transaction data in Blockchains”, Indian Patent No. 540221, Aug 2020 (granted in May 2024)


N. Kapadia, Rupa G. Mehta Patent Filed with Indian Patent Office, “Automated IoT Based Smart Waste Management System”, Application number-202321006552 Intellectual Property Building, Patent Filed on 01/02/2023, Published on 10/02/2023 (FER submitted).


N. Kapadia, Rupa G. Mehta, B. Nemade Design Patent Filed with Indian Patent Office, “Smart IoT-Enabled Intelligent Waste Collector” Application number-388301-001 CBR Number 207418 Intellectual Property Building, Design Accepted and Published, Journal No is 36/2023 and Journal Date is 08/09/2023.


D Sethi, C Prakash, A.K Mohapatra, A Dev, "System and Method for Identifying and Clustering Human Joints for Smart Physiotherapy", 202311034284, 30/06/2023.

Details of Patent Granted / Filed (2022 - 2023)

Sr. No. Details


"A system for validation of food quality” Dr. Rupa G. Mehta


Gaurav Uday Buddhawar, Krupa N. Jariwala, Sudeep Dilip Thepade, Chiranjoy Chattopadhyay, Patent Registered for “Mobile Stand for Documents Digitalisation” on 28/10/2022

Details of Patent Granted / Filed (2021 - 2022)

Sr. No. Details


"Method and System for Analyzing and Visualizing Transaction Data in Blockchains", Dhiren Patel, Sarvesh Harale, Aman Framewala, Sanket Shanbhag, India Patent Application 202021035259 (Reply submitted 2022 - in amended examination)


"Method and System for Maintaining Chain of Custody for Evidence and Verifying Integrity of Electronic Evidence Through Smart Contract on Blockchain", Dhiren Patel, Sarvesh Harale, Aman Framewala, Sanket Shanbhag, Vasu Mistry, Bhavesh Borisaniya, India Patent Application 202021047588 (Reply submitted 2022 - in amended examination)


"System and Method to Inherit Digital Assets by Means of Maintaining Digital Wills on The Blockchain", Dhiren Patel, Jainam Shah, Mugdha Bhagwat, India Patent Application 202021036351 (Reply submitted 2022 - in amended examination)


"A System and A Method for Big and Stream Data Analytics using Incremental MapReduce Framework for Smart City", Jenish. Dhanani,Rupa Mehta, Dipti Rana, Bharat Tidke, Australian Innovation Patent, Patent No. 2021102317, July-2021


"System and Method for Securing Large Scale RPL Based IoT Networks", A. O. Bang and U. P. Rao, Indian Patent, Application No. 202221009232, Filed On: 22/02/2022.