Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Research Publications

Research Publications (2024 - 2025)

Publication in the International Journals
Sr. No. Description


K. Bhat, Devesh C. Jinwala , Y. Prasad, and Mukesh A. Zaveri , “Addressing escalating threats: a secret image sharing scheme with adjustable threshold resilience against external adversaries and colluding participants,” International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems, 2024, doi:10.1504/IJCNDS.2025.10063445. (WoS Indexed)


K. Bhat, Devesh C. Jinwala , Y. Prasad, and Mukesh A. Zaveri , "Siss-csa: Secret image sharing scheme with ciphertext-based share authentication for malicious model," Software: Practice and Experience, vol. 54, no. 12, pp. 2481–2501, 2024. (SCIE, WoS, Scopus indexed; Wiley publications)


V. Rathod, Dipti P. Rana , and Rupa G. Mehta , "Road Crack Detection and Classification Using UAV and Deep Transfer Learning Optimization", International Journal of Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 24 Dec. 2024. (Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), Scopus)


M J. K. Kumar, Chintan Rajput, Dipti P. Rana , "D-HUP Tree: Distributed HUP Tree for Scalable High Utility Itemset Mining", International Journal of Data Mining, Modelling and Management, Inderscience Publisher, Accepted: Nov. 2024. (Web of Science, ESCI, Scopus) (0.4) (ACCEPTED)


V. Rathod, Dipti P. Rana , Rupa G. Mehta & Vijay Nath, "A Computer Vision Approach to Vehicle Detection, Classification, and Tracking from UAV Data for Indian Traffic Analysis", IETE Journal of Research, Taylor and Francis, pp. 1-14,  19 Jul 2024.  DOI: 10.1080/03772063.2024.2378478 (Web of Science, SCIE, Scopus) (0.38) (Q4 Journal)


Vivek H. Champaneria, Sankita J. Patel and Mukesh A. Zaveri , “A Novel Approach for Securing Fingerprint Biometrics using Local Minutiae Structure”, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, pp. 1-17, October 2024.


M. Patel, Krupa Jariwala and C. Chattopadhyay, "A Hybrid Relational Approach Toward Stock Price Prediction and Profitability," in IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence, vol. 5, no. 11, pp. 5844-5854, Nov. 2024, doi: 10.1109/TAI.2024.3408129.


M. Patel, Krupa Jariwala and C. Chattopadhyay, "An Approach Toward Stock Market Prediction and Portfolio Optimization in Indian Financial Sectors," in IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, Sep 2024, doi: 10.1109/TCSS.2024.3450291. (Early Access Article)


M. Patel, Krupa Jariwala and C. Chattopadhyay, “A Systematic Review on Graph Neural Network-based Methods for Stock Market Forecasting,” ACM Computing Surveys, vol.  57, no. 2, October 2024.


G. Buddhawar,  D. Dave, Krupa Jariwala , and C. Chattopadhyay, “Predictive Analysis for Optimal Text Visibility: A Comprehensive Study on Frame-of-Interest Prediction in Book Digitization Videos,” International Journal of Engineering,  vol. 37, no. 11,  November 2024. (Articles in Press).


G. Buddhawar, Krupa Jariwala , and C. Chattopadhyay, "Clear Text Visibility:A CNN-LSTM Approach for frame of Interest Identification in Book Flipping Videos", MOSICOM 2024, Modelling Simulation and Intelligent Computing,  9-11 December 2024, Dubai.


R K Nirala; Gautam Kumar, Rishav Singh, Chandra Prakash , 3DPETLN: Fine-Tuning 3D Patch Extraction in Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Data with Transfer Learning, IEEE International India Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (InGARSS) NIT Goa, 2-5 Dec, 2024 .  [Accepted] 


Patil, Shriniwas, and Keyur Parmar . "Novel mechanism for anonymous reporting and anonymous rewarding using blockchain technology." International Journal of Information Security 24, no. 1 (2025): 2.


Trivedi, Chandan, Keyur Parmar , and Udai Pratap Rao. "ALMASH: an anonymity-based lightweight mutual authentication scheme for internet of healthcare things." The Journal of Supercomputing 81, no. 1 (2025): 1-32.


Sourabh Bhaskar, Keyur Parmar , and Devesh C. Jinwala , " Comparative Evaluation of Pairing-Free and Pairing-Based CP-ABE Schemes for Resource Constrained Environments", Journal: Cluster Computing Publisher : Springer, Accepted:Dec.2024. (ACCEPTED)


Shriniwas Patil and Keyur Parmar , " MedReward: Privacy Preservation of Electronic Health Records (EHR) and Secure Incentive Distribution in the Presence of Active Insider and Outsider Adversaries Using Blockchain  ", Journal: Cluster Computing Publisher : Springer, Accepted:Dec.2024. (ACCEPTED)


Dadhania, Jatan K., and Abhilasha Chaudhuri . "Multi-classifier approach to detect Alzheimer's Disease based on Handwriting Analysis." In 2024 IEEE 3rd World Conference on Applied Intelligence and Computing (AIC), pp. 612-617. IEEE, 2024. DOI:

Conference Proceedings / Papers presented in the International Conferences / Workshops / Seminars
Sr. No. Description


V. H. Champaneria, Mukesh A. Zaveri , and S. J. Patel , “A Secure Template Protection Technique for Robust Biometric Systems,” in proceeding of 8th Students Conference on Engineering and Systems (SCES), Prayagraj, India, (IEEE - SCOPUS) (Published- September 2024) DOI: 10.1109/SCES61914.2024.10652322.


Swayam Desai, Yash Pokar, Dipti P. Rana and Rupa Mehta , "Trigger Optimization for Black-Box Universal Adversarial Attacks on Text Classifiers", Hinweis 3rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (AIDE), Bengaluru, India, November 29-30, 2024. (PRESENTED)


Nikita, , Dipti P. Rana , Rupa G. Mehta , "Natural Language Understanding (NLU)- Powered Information Retrieval from Indian Legal Property Graph", 3rd International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Engineering (ICMLDE 2024 ), School of Computer Science, UPES, Bidholi, Dehradun, India, 28 - 29 November 2024. (PRESENTED)


V. V. Rathod, Dipti P. Rana , Rupa G. Mehta , "Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Based Real-time Garbage Detection System", 3rd International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Engineering (ICMLDE 2024), School of Computer Science, UPES, Bidholi, Dehradun, India, 28 - 29 November 2024. (PRESENTED)


Nikita, Aramya Maheshwari, Hardik Tulsiani, Hiren Dhadhal, Utsav Chordia, , Dipti P. Rana , Rupa G. Mehta "Multiple Graph-Based Approach to Recommend DomainDependent Documents" 22nd OITS International Conference on Information Technology (OCIT 2024), SRM University, AP, 12-14 December 2024. (PRESENTED)


G. Buddhawar, Krupa Jariwala , and C. Chattopadhyay, "A spatio temporal explainable deep learning approach for frame classification from Book Flipping Videos" Sixth International Conference on Soft Computing and it's Engineering Applications (Springer), 10-12 December 2024, Bangkok, Thailand


Vinay Kumar Vats, Amandeep Kaur, Chandra Prakash , Rajesh Kumar, Markerless Sagittal Gait Analysis of Cerebral Palsy in Children Using Pose Estimation Techniques,International Conference on Innovation in Computing and Engineering 2025 (ICE 2025) ,28 Feb – 01 Mar 2025 Shiv Nadar Institution of Eminence, Delhi-NCR IEEE [Accepted] 


A. Kashyap, M. Kumar, P Chauhan, G. Sikka, Chandra Prakash , Foot Pressure and 3D Skeleton based Multimodal Approach for Pathological Gait Classification, 5th International Conference On Computational Intelligence, SVNIT, December 24-26, 2024 .  


D. Kulkarni, Y. Dhameliya, S. Gupta, Chandra Prakash , TransLearn: Enhancing Transformer Efficiency through Active Learning and Knowledge Distillation, 5th International Conference On Computational Intelligence, SVNIT, December 24-26, 2024 .  


Parul Chauhan, Mantu Kumar, Chandra Prakash , Geeta Sikka, Thermogram Based Diabetic Foot Ulcer Analysis using Graph Neural Network, 3rd International Conference on Advances in Data-driven Computing and Intelligent Systems (ADCIS 2024), BITS Goa, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems.  20-21, Sep, 2024.


Shubam Saini, Geeta Sikka, Chandra Prakash , EEG-based Pilot Study of Individual Variability in Affective Neural Responses to Videos ,7th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Computing (ICRIC-07) Central University J&K, 22-23 August, 2024, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (LNEE, Springer).  


Malay Kumar, Gautam Kumar, Chandra Prakash , Modelling Techniques for the Kinematics of Human Gait, 2nd International Conference on Emerging Materials, Smart Manufacturing, & Computational Intelligence (ICEMSMCI-2024), 18-19 July 2024. 


Yogesh, Amandeep Kaur, Chandra Prakash , Advanced Gait Recognition Using Deep Learning and 3D Skeletal Data, 2nd International Conference on Emerging Materials, Smart Manufacturing, & Computational Intelligence (ICEMSMCI-2024), 18-19 July 2024.  


Abhishek Mishra, Chandra Prakash , Shelly Sachdeva, Aarti Gupta, Quantitative Analysis of Gait Disorder using ML in Cerebral palsy patients, 3rd International Conference on Advances in Data-driven Computing and Intelligent Systems (ADCIS 2024), BITS Goa, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems.  20-21, Sep, 2024.


Suman, Gunjan, Chandra Prakash , A Mini Review of the Analysis of Ground Reaction Force Using Machine Learning Techniques, 2nd International Conference on Emerging Materials, Smart Manufacturing, & Computational Intelligence (ICEMSMCI-2024), 18-19 July 2024.

Research Publications (2023 - 2024)

Publication in the International Journals
Sr. No. Description


Surendra Tyagi, Devesh C. Jinwala, Subhasis Bhattacharjee: "Decentralised ontology-based access control in internet of things using social context. Int. J. Ad Hoc Ubiquitous Computing. 45(4): 213-225, 2024.


Himanshu K. Gajera, Deepak Ranjan Nayak and Mukesh A. Zaveri , “M2CE: Multi-convolutional ensemble approach for improved multiclass classification of skin lesion”, Expert System, Wiley Online Library, Vol. 40(10), pp. e13435, August 2023.


Rutal Mahajan and Mukesh Zaveri, “An Automatic Humor Identification Model with Novel features from Berger’s Typology and Ensemble Models”, Decision Analytics Journal, Elsevier, Vol. 11, March 2024.


Krishnaraj Bhat, Devesh C. Jinwala, Yamuna Prasad and Mukesh A. Zaveri, “SISS-CSA: Secret image sharing scheme with ciphertext-based share authentication for malicious model”, Journal of Software: Practice and Experience, Wiley Online Library, pp. 1-21, June 2023.


Vivek H. Champaneria, Sankita J. Patel and Mukesh A. Zaveri, ”A cancelable biometric authentication scheme based on geometric transformation”, Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer Nature, pp. 1-22, June 2024.


M. Makawana and Rupa G. Mehta, “A novel network-based paragraph filtering technique for legal document similarity analysis,” Artificial Intelligence and Law. (


M. Makwana and Rupa G. Mehta, “Discovering Search Space Using M-distance Clustering of Semantic Relatedness Based Weighted Network for the Content-based Recommender System,” Journal of Scientometric Research, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 243–253, 2023.


M. Makwana and Rupa G. Mehta, “Keyphrase-based Literature Recommendation: Enhancing User Queries with Hybrid Co-citation and Co-occurrence Networks,” Journal of Scientometric Research, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 217–229, 2024. DoI:


Vora, S., Rupa G. Mehta HDEL: a hierarchical deep ensemble approach for text-based emotion detection. Multimed Tools Appl (2024). DoI:


N. Kapadia, Rupa G. Mehta “Dynamic route optimization for IoT based intelligent waste collection vehicle routing system” Intelligent Decision Technologies, July 2023, 17(3), pp. 751–772 DOI:10.3233/IDT-230032.


N. Kapadia, Rupa G. Mehta “Energy efficient waste collection vehicle routing system using time series prediction” Multimedia Tools and Applications (Springer) April 2024 DOI:10.1007/s11042-024-18894-6.


Sharma Kratika, Tiwari Ritu, Wadhwani Arun Kumar, Chaturvedi Shobhit, Spatiotemporal analysis of land surface temperature trends in Nashik, India: A 30-year study from 1992 to 2022.
Earth Science Informatics, springer, 17(02), 2107-2128, 2024.


Mitali Desai, Rupa G. Mehta , Dipti P. Rana, "Contextual analysis of scholarly communications to identify the source of disinformation on digital scholarly platforms", Kybernetes, Vol. 53 No. 4, pp. 1434-1449, 2024.


M J. K. Kumar, Dipti P. Rana, “HARUIM: High Average Recent Utility Itemset Mining”, International Journal of Data Mining Modeling and Management, Inderscience Publisher, 1 January 2024.DOI:10.1504/IJDMMM.2024.10055782. (Web of Science, Scopus) (0.5).


Agarwal Isha, Dipti P. Rana "Analysis of Contextual Features’ Granularity for Fake News Detection", Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer, 15 November 2023. (SCIE, Scopus) (3.6) (Q2 Journal).


Pranita Y. Mahajan, Dipti P. Rana, "Text mining approach for the prediction of disease status from discharge summaries using CCBE and NEROA-CNN", Expert Systems with Applications, Science Direct, Vol. 227, 1 October 2023. (Web of Science, SCIE, Scopus) (8.665).


Mitali Desai, Rupa G. Mehta , Dipti P. Rana, "An Exploratory Study of Scholarly Platforms and Features to Help Emerging Scholars Gain Visibility in the Scholars’ Community", Journal of Scientometric Research, Phcog.Net 2023, 12, 2, 480-489, September 2023. DOI: 10.5530/jscires.12.2.044 (Web of Science, ESCI, Scopus) (0.8)


Kumar M.J.K., Dipti P. Rana "HAUOPM: High Average Utility Occupancy Pattern Mining", Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Springer, June 2023. (SCIE, Scopus) (2.9)


Mitali Desai, Rupa G. Mehta , Dipti P. Rana, "Analyzing the Impact of Social Collaborations on Influence Identification in Scientific Literature Analytic: An Analysis on ResearchGate and Academia", International Journal of Information Science and Management (IJISM), Regional Information Center for Science and Technology, vol. 21(4), pp. 23-38, 2023. DOI: 10.22034/ijism.2023.1977713.0


Kenny Kumar, M.J., Dipti P. Rana "RSPHUIM: Recent Short Period High Utility Itemset Mining", SN COMPUTER SCIENCE, Vol. 4, Article. 485, June 2023.


Prarthana J Mehta, Balu L Parne, Sankita J Patel, PF-AKA: PUF-FSM based Authentication and Key Agreement Framework for IoT based Smart Grid Networks, Cluster Computing, Springer, pp. 1-19, April 2024.


Khushboo Patel, Shivangi Shukla, Sankita J. Patel “A Novel and Provably Secure Mutual Authentication Protocol for Cloud Environment using Elliptic Curve Cryptography and Fuzzy Verifier. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience”, Wiley, July 2023


Nidhi Joraviya, Bhavesh N. Gohil , Udai Pratap Rao, "DL-HIDS: Deep Learning-based Host Intrusion Detection System using System Calls-to-Image for Containerized Cloud Environment", Journal of Supercomputing, Volume 80, Issue 9, 2024.


Supriya Mishra, Bhavesh N. Gohil, Suprio Ray, "A survey on Persistent Memory indexes: Recent advances, challenges and opportunities", Journal of Systems Architecture, Volume 151, 103140, ISSN 1383-7621, April 2024.


Buddhawar, Gaurav, Krupa Jariwala, and C. Chattopadhyay. "Enhancing Book and Document Digitization from Videos: A Feature Fusion-Based Approach." International Journal of Engineering, 37, no. 3, 538-545, 2024.


Buddhawar, G., Dave, D., Krupa Jariwala, & Chattopadhyay, C. Predictive Analysis for Optimal Text Visibility: A Comprehensive Study on Frame-of-Interest Prediction in Book Digitization Videos. International Journal of Engineering, (Articles in Press), 2024.


M. Patel, Krupa Jariwala and C. Chattopadhyay, "A Hybrid Relational Approach Towards Stock Price Prediction and Profitability," in IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence, doi: 10.1109/TAI.2024.3408129, 2024. (Early Access article)


Khade, R., Krupa Jariwala & Chattopadhyay, C. "An Interactive Floor Plan Image Retrieval Framework Based on Structural Features." Arab J Sci Eng 48, 10635–10651 (2023).


Prarthana J. Mehta, Balu L. Parne , Sankita J. Patel , "MAKA: Multi-Factor Authentication and Key Agreement Scheme for LoRa-Based Smart Grid Communication Services." IETE Journal of Research, Springer, pp. 1-17, June 2023.


Sethi, D., Chandra Prakash , & Bharti, S. (2024). "Estimation of lower extremity parameters for marker-less gait analysis." Multimedia Tools and Applications, 83(13), 40125-40145.


Sethi, D., Chandra Prakash , & Bharti, S. (2023). "Multi‐feature gait analysis approach using deep learning in constraint‐free environmen"t. Expert Systems, e13274.


Chandan Trivedi, Keyur Parmar and Udai Pratap Rao, “PGASH: Provable Group-based Authentication Scheme for Internet of Healthcare Things”, Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications (Impact factor: 4.2 as on April-2024), Springer, 17, 665 – 684, January 2024


Anamika Kumari, Sourabh Bhaskar, Shriniwas Patil and Keyur Parmar, “Decentralized and Multi-Authority based Public Key Infrastructure for Sharing Electronic Health Records”, Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier, 230, 44-54, January 2024


Kaushal Shah, Dhruvil Lathiya, Naimish Lukhi, Keyur Parmar and Harshal Sanghvi, “A Systematic Review of Decentralized Finance Protocols”, International Journal of Intelligent Networks, Elsevier, 4, 171-181, July 2023


S Roy, J Agrawal, Alok Kumar UP Rao, “Mh-abe: multi-authority and hierarchical attribute-based encryption scheme for secure electronic health record sharing”, Cluster Computing, Springer, 1-26, 2024


S Roy, Alok Kumar UP Rao, “FTBAC: Fuzzy Trust Based Access Control for Healthcare Cross-Domain Environment”, Soft Computing, 2024 (Accepted for Publications)


A Chaurasia, Alok Kumar UP Rao, “BACP-IeFC: Designing Blockchain-Based Access Control Protocol in IoT-Enabled Fog Computing Environment”, Cluster Computing, 2024. (Accepted For Publications).


Abhilasha Chaudhuri, "Search Space Division Method for Wrapper Feature Selection on High-Dimensional Data Classification, Knowledge-Based Systems, Elsevier", Volume 291, Issue, Page No 111578, Year 2024.


Naveen Kumar, and Shashank Srivastava. "IBPC: An Approach for Mitigation of Cache Pollution Attack in NDN using Interface-Based Popularity." Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Springer, vol-49, no-3, pages-3241-3251, year-2024


Ashish Kamble, Vishesh Gaikwad & Jitendra Tembhurne, ”A provably lightweight mutually authentication and key establishment protocol using extended chaotic map for telecare medicine information system”, International Journal of Information Technology, Springer, 15, 3211–3227, 2023.


Anugrah Jain, Vijay Laxmi, M. S. Gaur and Ashish Sharma, "An improved reconfiguration algorithm for handling 1-point NoC failures", Microprocessors and Microsystems, Elsevier, 101, 104910, 1-12, 2023.

Publication of Book or Book Chapter/s:
Sr. No. Description


N. Kapadia, Rupa G. Mehta , “Time Series Prediction for IoT Applications” Security, Privacy and Applications of the Internet of Things Book Chapter Scopus Indexed (Accepted) July 2023


N. Kapadia, Rupa G. Mehta , “Smart Bin Waste Prediction” using Machine Learning Industrial Internet of Things for Responsible Technology Scopus indexed CRC Press book (Accepted) June 2024.


Sankita J. Patel , Bhavesh Gohil , Naveen Kumar Chaudhari, S S Iyengar (eds), "Security, Privacy and Digital Forensics." Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 1075, Springer, 2024


Behera, S., Chandra Prakash Sharma, N. (2024). "A Combined Model for INDEX Price Forecasting Using LSTM, RNN, and GRU." In: Das, S., Saha, S., Coello, C.A.C., Rathore, H., Bansal, J.C. (eds) Advances in Data-Driven Computing and Intelligent Systems. ADCIS 2023. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 890. Springer, Singapore.


Sachdeva, R., Maheshwari, I., Maan, V., Sangwan, K.S., Chandra Prakash Dhiraj (2023). "A Computer Vision Assisted Yoga Trainer for a Naive Performer by Using Human Joint Detection." In: Muthusamy, H., Botzheim, J., Nayak, R. (eds) Robotics, Control and Computer Vision. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 1009. Springer, Singapore.


Tigga, I., Chandra Prakash Dhiraj, “A Pilot Study for Profiling Diabetic Foot Ulceration Using Machine Learning Techniques”, In: Muthusamy, H., Botzheim, J., Nayak, R. (eds) Robotics, Control and Computer Vision. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 1009. Springer, Singapore, 2023.


Sharma, P., Shah, B.B., Chandra Prakash , “A Pilot Study on Human Pose Estimation for Sports Analysis”, In: Gupta, D., Goswami, R.S., Banerjee, S., Tanveer, M., Pachori, R.B. (eds) Pattern Recognition and Data Analysis with Applications. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 888. Springer, Singapore, 2022.


Parva Patel, Patel Yash Maheshbhai, Sumeet Kamble, Bhagya Rana, Shriniwas Patil, and Keyur Parmar, “BHealth: A Blockchain Based Platform for Healthcare Data”, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Network Security and Blockchain Technology (ICNSBT 2024), Springer, 2024, (Accepted and will be published soon)


Naveen Kumar, Brijendra Pratap Singh, and Rohit “A Lightweight Intelligent Detection Approach for Interest Flooding Attack” (Accepted in Book “AI-Based Advanced Optimization Techniques for Edge Computing” which will be published in Wiley-Scrivener imprint).

Conference Proceedings / Papers presented in the International Conferences / Workshops / Seminars
Sr. No. Description


Sonali Wankhede, Dhiren Patel ; "Integrating Iot and Blockchain Technology for Securing Sensors Communication", 4rd International Conference on Big Data, IOT and Blockchain (BIBC 2023), Viena Austria, Oct 2023


Riya Singhal, Meet Soni, Shruti Bhatt, Manav Khorasiya, Devesh C. Jinwala, “Enhancing Robustness of Malware Detection Model Against White Box Adversarial Attacks”, ICDCIT 2023: 181-196.


Sourabh Bhaskar, Keyur Parmar and Devesh C. Jinwala, “Escrow and Pairing Free CP-ABE Scheme with Forward and Backward Secrecy for Healthcare Internet of Things”, Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Information Systems Security (ICISS), Springer, Cham, 14424, 306—316, December 2023


Krishnaraj Bhat, Devesh C. Jinwala, Yamuna Prasad, Mukesh A. Zaveri, “Security Analysis of Visual based Share Authentication and Algorithms for Invalid Shares Generation in Malicious Model”, IPMV 2023: 86-92.


Vivek Kumar, Ananya Tripathi, Mukesh A. Zaveri, Dhaval K. Patel, “Priority-Based Optimal Routing for Intelligent Transportation System”, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances in Systems Science and Engineering (IEEE RASSE 2023), November 8-11, 2023, Kerala, India.


Aafaq Inamdar and Mukesh A. Zaveri , “Real-Time Permanent Change Proposals for Abandoned Object Detection”, Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (ICDLAIR 2023), December 7-9, 2023, National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra, India.


Kashish Dineshbhai Shah, Dhaval Karshanbhai Patel, Mehul Shirishchandra Raval, Mukesh Zaveri, Shabbir N Merchant,” Deep RL-based Smart Signaling using Space-Time Vehicular Features under C-V2X Scenario”, Proceedings of Workshop on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), 16th International Conference on COMmunication Systems & NETworkS (COMSNETS 2024), January 3–7, 2024, Bengaluru, India.


Omikumar Bhavinkumar Makadia, Dhaval Karshanbhai Patel, Kashish Dineshbhai Shah, Mehul Shirishchandra Raval, Mukesh Zaveri, Shabbir N Merchant,” Millimeter-Wave Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Communications for Autonomous Vehicles: Location-Aided Beam Forecasting in 6G”, Proceedings of Workshop on Connected Vehicles & Autonomous Driving, 16th International Conference on COMmunication Systems & NETworkS (COMSNETS 2024), January 3–7, 2024, Bengaluru, India.


Vivek H. Champaneria, Mukesh A. Zaveri and Sankita J. Patel, “A Secure Template Protection Technique for Robust Biometric Systems”, Proceedings of IEEE Students Conference on Engineering and Systems (SCES-2024), June 21-23, 2024, Prayagraj, India.


N. Kapadia, Rupa G. Mehta, V. Ruhela, P. Vikas, P. Suraj “CO2 Emission using SARIMA Time Prediction Model” Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Networking, Springer, Feb 2023.


Ekta Singh, Dev Yadav, Shaloo Singh, Mrs. Neha Kapadia, Rupa G. Mehta , “Route Optimization for Waste Collection Vehicles” Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Networking, 2024.


Isha Agarwal, Dipti P. Rana, Priyanshi Shah, Aayush Dude and Pooja Patel, "Optimizing Crop Monitoring: A Data Warehouse Approach in Precision Agriculture", The 15th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), 24 - 28 June 2024, IIT - Mandi, Himachal Pradesh, India (PRESENTED).


Nikita, Esha Srivastav, Asthaben Patel, Anjali Singh, Riya Sharma, Dipti P Rana, Rupa G Mehta, "LAWBOT: A Smart User Indian Legal Chatbot using Machine Learning Framework", IEEE 9th International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT), Pune, Maharashtra, India, 5-7 April 2024 (ACCEPTED)


Devanshu Dudhia and Dipti P. Rana, "Sentiment Analysis in Gujarati Language", 6th International Conference on Information Systems and Management Science 2023 (ISMS 2023) Organized by O. P. Jindal University, Raigarh, India, 23 - 24 December 2023. (PRESENTED)


Prarthana J Mehta, Balu L Parne , Sankita J Patel, ESAF: "An Efficient and Secure Authentication Framework for V2G Network, 16th International Conference on COMmunication Systems and NETworkS (COMSNETS)", pp. 945-952, IEEE, January 2024.


Kumar Adarsh, SoundarvAlok Kumar Gohil Bhavesh, Sankita J. Patel "Rajvansh Sarang and Sanghvi H P. Forensics Analysis of TOR Browser." Proceedings of ICISPD, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Springer, pp. 331–341, 2024


Gunemoni Prudvi Raj, Prarthana J Mehta, Balu L Parne , Sankita J Patel, "PUF based Authentication and Key Agreement Framework for Internet of Drones", IEEE 20th India Council International Conference (INDICON), IEEE, pp. 491-496, December 2023


Nishtha Srivastava, Bhavesh N. Gohil , "Ridership trend analysis and explainable taxi travel time prediction for Bangalore using e-hailing data", 7th Conference of the Transportation Research Group of India (CTRG2023), Dec. 17 - 20 2023, SVNIT Surat.


M. Patel, Krupa Jariwala and C. Chattopadhyay, "Advancing Indian Stock Market Prediction with TRNet: A Graph Neural Network Model," 2023 International Conference on Modeling, Simulation & Intelligent Computing (MoSICom), Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 2023, pp. 173-178, doi: 10.1109/MoSICom59118.2023.10458729.


M. Patel, Krupa Jariwala and C. Chattopadhyay, "MSNet: Momentum Spillover Network for Indian Stock Market Movement Prediction," 2023 IEEE 20th India Council International Conference (INDICON), Hyderabad, India, 2023, pp. 615-620, doi: 10.1109/INDICON59947.2023.10440920.


R. Khade, Krupa Jariwala and C. Chattopadhyay, "Autoencoders in Graphical Document Retrieval: Cost Function Influence and Rotation Impact," 2023 International Conference on Modeling, Simulation & Intelligent Computing (MoSICom), Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 2023, pp. 240-245, doi: 10.1109/MoSICom59118.2023.10458779.


R. Khade, A. Kalsekar, Krupa Jariwala and C. Chattopadhyay, "FLEXNet: Learning Deep Features Using Autoencoders for Floor Plan Image Retrieval," 2023 IEEE Guwahati Subsection Conference (GCON), Guwahati, India, 2023, pp. 01-06, doi: 10.1109/GCON58516.2023.10183597.


S. Arora, Chandra Prakash, P. S. Rana and K. Sood, “A Comparative Study of Object Detection Techniques for Automatic License Plate Recognition for Indian License Plates,” 2023 5th International Conference on Energy, Power and Environment: Towards Flexible Green Energy Technologies (ICEPE), Shillong, India, 2023, pp. 1-6


J S Chaudhary, A. SONI, Mohit, N. Sharma, Chandra Prakash, "A Pilot Study on Migraine Detection Using Computational Techniques", in Fifteen International Conference on Contemporary Computing (IC3-23) 2023.


Aharnish Sreenivasa, Ansh Kumar, Mohammad Shahanwaz, Chandra Prakash, "Facial Emotion Recognition System Using Deep CNN For Rehabilitation With Hardware Integration", in Fifteen International Conference on Contemporary Computing (IC3-23) 2023


Vasudev Chakka, Divyanth Pavuluri, Karthik Kumar Reddy Sagili, Shreyas Akkaladevi, Sourabh Bhaskar, Shriniwas Patil, and Keyur Parmar , “Efficient Public Data Auditing Scheme for Healthcare Systems using ECC-Based Attribute-Based Signature in Cloud Storage”, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems (ANTS), IEEE, 171—176, December 2023


A Chaurasia, M Maheriya, K Mashru, A Lunagariya, Alok Kumar UP Rao, “Deep learning-based automatic response generation for amazon QA dataset, Advances in Networks, Intelligence and Computing”, 269-275.


A Chaurasia, A Mishra, UP Rao, A Kumar , “Deep Learning-Based Solution for Intrusion Detection in the Internet of Things”, International Conference on Computation Intelligence and Network Systems, 75-89.


S Roy, Alok Kumar UP Rao, “Security Attacks and it’s Countermeasures on Smart Grid: A Review”, International Conference on Computer, Electronics & Electrical Engineering & their Applications (IC2E3), 2023. (Accepted For Publications)


A Chaurasia, K Patel, J Vaishnav, P Patel, Alok Kumar A Mandloi, UP Rao, “Blockchain based secure energy trading in V2G infrastructure”, IET Digital Library, 2024 (Accepted For Publications).


Abhilasha Chaudhuri , Samrudhi Mohdiwale, “Binary Rao Algorithm Based Approach for Diagnosing Alzheimer’s Disease”, 4th international conference on “Advanced Engineering Optimization Through Intelligent Techniques (AEOTIT), SVNIT Surat, Springer Nature, 2024.

Research Publications (2022 - 2023)

Publication in the International Journals
Sr. No. Description


Ajay Kumar, Kumar Abhishek, Muhammad R Ghalib, Pranav Nerurkar, Kunjal Shah, Madhav Chandane, Sunil Bhirud, Dhiren R. Patel , Yann Busnel, “Towards cough sound analysis using the internet of things and deep learning for pulmonary disease prediction”, Journal, Transactions on emerging telecommunications technologies, Volume 33 Issue 10 Pages e4184, Publication date October 2022.


Himanshu K. Gajera, Deepak Ranjan Nayak, Mukesh A. Zaveri , ”A Comprehensive Analysis of Dermoscopy Images for Melanoma Detection via Deep CNN Features”, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, Elsevier (ScienceDirect), Vol. 79, Part 2, 104186, January 2023.


Dhanani Jenish, Rupa G. Mehta and Dipti P. Rana , "Effective and Scalable Legal Judgment Recommendation using Pre-Learned Word Embedding", Complex & Intelligent Systems, Vol. 8, pp. 3199–3213, Feb. 2022. DOI: (SCIE, Scopus)


Dhanani Jenish, Rupa G. Mehta and Dipti P. Rana, "Legal document recommendation system: a dictionary based approach", International Journal of Web Information Systems, Vol. 17 No. 3, pp. 187-203, 2021. DOI: (Scopus)


Dhanani Jenish, Rupa G. Mehta and Dipti P. Rana . "Sentiment Weighted Word Embedding for Big Text Data," International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies (IJWLTT), IGI Global, Vol. 16(6), 1-17, Dec. 2021. DOI:


Mitali Desai, Rupa G. Mehta and Dipti P. Rana , "Anatomising the Impact of ResearchGate Followers and Followings on Influence Identification", Journal of Information Science, SAGE Publications, July 2022. Available at DOI: 10.1177/01655515221100716 (SCIE, SCOPUS)


Mitali Desai, Rupa G. Mehta and Dipti P. Rana , "ScholarRec: A Scholars’ Recommender System that Accumulates Scholastic Influence and Social Collaborations to Identify and Rank Influential Scholars in Academic Social Networks", International Journal of Data Science and Analytics, Springer, July 2022. Available at DOI: 10.1007/s41060-022-00345-w (SCOPUS, ESCI)


Dhanani Jenish, Rupa G. Mehta and Dipti P. Rana, "DSPWE: distributed sentiment polarized word embedding for voluminous textual data", Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing (JAIHC), Springer, 2023. (Scopus)


Mitali Desai, Rupa G. Mehta and Dipti P. Rana, "Contextual analysis of scholarly communications to identify the source of disinformation on digital scholarly platforms", Kybernetes, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print, January 2023. (Scopus)


Khade, R., Krupa N. Jariwala , & Chattopadhyay, C. (2023). An Interactive Floor Plan Image Retrieval Framework Based on Structural Features. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 1-17.


Anjali S. More and Dipti P. Rana , "Novel Oversampling Algorithm for Handling Imbalanced Data Classification", International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), Vol.13 (8), August 2022. DOI: 10.14569/IJACSA.2022.0130856 (Scopus)


Anjali S. More and Dipti P. Rana , "AI Federated Learning based Improvised Random Forest Classifier with Error Reduction Mechanism for Skewed Datasets", International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications (IJPCC), Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. DOI: Emerald, August 2022. (ESCI, Scopus)


Anjali S. More , Dipti P. Rana , "Performance enrichment through parameter tuning of random forest classification for imbalanced data applications", Materials Today: Proceedings, pp. 3585-3593, 2022. DOI: 10.1016/j.matpr.2021.12.020 (Scopus)


Isha Agarwal, Dipti P. Rana , Aemie Jariwala, Sahil Bondre, “A Novel Stance based Sampling for Imbalanced Data ”, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), Vol. 13, No. 1,Jan 2022. (Open Access) DOI: 10.14569/IJACSA.2022.0130157 (Scopus)


Pranita Mahajan and Dipti P. Rana , "Feature Optimization in CNN Using MROA for Disease Classification", Intelligent Decision Technologies, IOS Press, Vol. 17 (2), pp. 301 – 315, 1 January 2023 . DOI: 10.3233/IDT-220097. (Scopus) (0.739)


I. Y. Agarwal, Dipti P. Rana , "An Improved Fake News Detection Model by Applying a Recursive Feature Elimination Approach for Credibility Assessment and Uncertainty", Journal of Uncertain Systems, Vol. 16 (01), Article No. 2242008, January 2023. DOI: (Scopus)


Ashish R. Chaudhary, Bhavesh N. Gohil , Udai Pratap Rao, "A Review on Cloud Security issues and solutions", Journal of Computer Security, IOS press (Scopus, SCIE), Pre-press, pp. 1-27, 2022


Minal Patel, Bhavesh N. Gohil , Sanjay Chaudhary, Sanjay Garg, " Smart OffloadChain: A Proposed Architecture for Blockchain Assisted Fog Offloading in Smart City ", International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)(Scopus), Volume -12, No-4, 2022.


Hiral Trivedi and Sankita J. Patel . Dynamically scalable privacy-preserving authentication protocol for distributed IoT based healthcare service providers, Wireless Networks, pp. 1-25, December 2022, Springer.


Hiral Trivedi and Sankita J. Patel . Key-aggregate searchable encryption with multi-user authorization and keyword untraceability for distributed IoT healthcare systems. Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, pages-e4734, January 2023, e4734, Wiley, doi:10.1002/ett.4734


Shivangi Shukla and Sankita J. Patel . A design of provably secure multi-factor ECC-based authentication protocol in multi-server cloud architecture. Cluster Computing. May 2023 29:pp. 1-22, Springer


Hiral Trivedi and Sankita J. Patel . Homomorphic cryptosystem-based secure data processing model for edge-assisted IoT healthcare systems, Internet of Things Journal, vol. 22, 100693, Elsevier.


Bintu Kadhiwala and Sankita J. Patel . Privacy-preserving collaborative social network data publishing against colluding data providers, International Journal of Information and Computer Security, vol. 19, no. 3-4, pp.346-378, Inderscience Publishers


Prarthana J. Mehta, Balu L. Parne , Sankita J. Patel, “SE-LAKAF: Security Enhanced Lightweight Authentication and Key Agreement Framework for Smart Grid Network” Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, Springer, pp.1-23, 2023.


Chandan Trivedi, Udai Pratap Rao, Keyur Parmar , Pronaya Bhattacharya, Sudeep Tanwar, Ravi Sharma, A Transformative Shift Toward Blockchain-based IoT Environments: Consensus, Smart Contracts, and Future Directions, Security & Privacy, Wiley, Volume 6, Issue 2, e308, March 2023.


Keyur Parmar , Shriniwas Patil, Dhruvi Patel, Vrunda Patel, Bhoomi Parikh, Parita Padaria, Privacy-preserving Authentication Scheme for VANETs using Blockchain Technology, Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier, 220, 40-47, 2023.

Publication of Book or Book Chapter/s:
Sr. No. Description


Shivani V. Vora, Rupa G. Mehta , Shreyas Kishorkumar Patel. "Impact of Balancing Techniques for Imbalanced Class Distribution on Twitter Data for Emotion Analysis: A Case Study." In Data Preprocessing, Active Learning, and Cost Perceptive Approaches for Resolving Data Imbalance, pp. 211-231. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2021. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-7371-6.ch001 (Scopus)


Navodita Saini and Dipti P. Rana , "Dictionary Based Gender Identification and Gender Based Sentiment Analysis with Polarized Word2Vec", In: Singh, P.K., Wierzchoń, S.T., Chhabra, J.K., Tanwar, S. (eds) Futuristic Trends in Networks and Computing Technologies . Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 936. Springer, Singapore, November 2022.


Mahajan Pranita, Dipti P. Rana . "Investigating Clinical Named Entity Recognition Approaches for Information Extraction from EMR." In: Mehta M., Fournier-Viger P., Patel M., Lin J.CW. (eds) Tracking and Preventing Diseases with Artificial Intelligence. Intelligent Systems Reference Library, vol 206, 2022. Springer, Cham. (Scopus)


Kumar Sondarva, Bhavesh N. Gohil , "Forensics Analysis of NTFS file system", IGI Global, 2023.


Kaushal Shah, Uday Khokhariya, Nidhay Pancholi, Shambhavi Kumar and Keyur Parmar , Securing Cookies/Sessions Through Non-Fungible Tokens, Database Systems for Advanced Applications. DASFAA 2022 International Workshops, Springer, 135-146, July 2022.

Conference Proceedings / Papers presented in the International Conferences / Workshops / Seminars
Sr. No. Description


Aditya Ajgaonkar, Anuj Raghani, Bhavya Sheth, Dyuwan Shukla, Dhiren R. Patel , Sanket Shanbhag “A Blockchain Approach for Exchanging Machine Learning Solutions Over Smart Contracts”,Book Intelligent Computing: Proceedings of the 2022 Computing Conference, Volume 3 Pages 470-482 Publisher Springer International Publishing – LNNS Vol 508 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-10467-1_29, Publication date 07 July 2022.


Palak Mantry, Shreya Dhananjay, Mitesh Desai, Saif Kazi, Dhiren R. Patel , “Blockchain-Based Incentive System for Enhancing Student’s Participation in Co-Curricular and Extracurricular Activities” Book ICT Systems and Sustainability: Proceedings of ICT4SD 2022 Pages 425-434 Publisher Springer Nature Singapore – LNNS Vol 516 DOI: 10.1007/978-981-19-5221-0_42, Publication date 01 November 2022.


Sonali B Wankhede, Dhiren R. Patel , “The Proof of Authority Consensus Algorithm for IIoT Security” Book Proceedings of International Conference on Recent Innovations in Computing: ICRIC 2022, Volume 2 Pages 803-811 Publisher Springer Nature Singapore – LNEE Vol 1011 DOI: 10.1007/978-981-99-0601-7_61, Publication date 17 May 2023.


Anuj Raghani, Aditya Ajgaonkar, Dyuwan Shukla, Bhavya Sheth, Dhiren R. Patel , “A Novel Approach to Acquire Data for Improving Machine Learning Models Through Smart Contracts”, Book Proceedings of International Conference on Recent Innovations in Computing: ICRIC 2022, Volume 2 Pages 755-769 Publisher Springer Nature Singapore – LNEE Vol 1011 DOI: 10.1007/978-981-99-0601-7_58, Publication date 17 May 2023.


Himanshu Gajera, Deepak Ranjan Nayak, Mukesh A. Zaveri , ”Fusion of Local and Global Feature Representation with Sparse Autoencoder for Improved Melanoma Classification”, Proceedings of 44th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC’22), 11-15 July 2022, Glasgow, United Kingdom.


Himanshu Gajera, Mukesh A. Zaveri , Deepak Ranjan Nayak, ”Towards Exploring Deep Features for Efficient Melanoma Diagnosis in Dermoscopic Images”, Proceedings of IEEE OITS International Conference on Information Technology (OCIT 2022), 14-16 December 2022, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India.


Foram N. Shah, Dhaval K. Patel, Kashish D. Shah, Mehul S. Raval, Mukesh A. Zaveri , S. N. Merchant, ”Novel Crash Prevention Framework for C-V2X using Deep Learning”, Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Communication Systems & Networks (COMSNETS 2023), 03-08 January 2023, Bengaluru, India.


Sagar Kavaiya, Dhaval K Patel, Mukesh A. Zaveri , Mehul S Raval, S. N. Merchant, ”VeCEn: A Data Acquisition Framework for Heterogeneous Vehicular Networks”, Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Communication Systems & Networks (COMSNETS 2023), 03-08 January 2023, Bengaluru, India.


Trivedi, A., Trivedi, A., Varshney, S., Joshipura, V., Rupa G. Mehta , Dhanani, J. (2021). Similarity Analysis of Legal Documents: A Survey. In: Fong, S., Dey, N., Joshi, A. (eds) ICT Analysis and Applications. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 154. Springer, Singapore.


Chawla, J., Bakoliya, R., Jat, J., Jinjala, J., Patel, M., & Krupa N. Jariwala . (2023). Upscaling Profits in Financial Market. In Artificial Intelligence for Capital Markets (pp. 41-56). Chapman and Hall/CRC.


Patel, M., Krupa N. Jariwala , & Chattopadhyay, C. Deep Learning techniques for stock market forecasting: Recent trend and challenges, International Conference on Software Engineering and Information Management, Palmerston North, New Zealand, January, 2023 (Accepted for Publication)


Patel, M., Krupa N. Jariwala , & Chattopadhyay, C. SM2PNet: A Deep Learning Approach Towards Indian Stock Market Movement Prediction, International Conference on Convergence of Technology (I2CT), Pune, India, April, 2023. (Accepted for


Khade, R., Krupa N. Jariwala , Chattopadhyay, C., FLEXNet: Learning Deep Features Using Autoencoders for Floor Plan Image Retrieval , IEEE GCON 2023, Guwahati, India, June, 2023 (Accepted for publication)


Pranita Mahajan and Dipti P. Rana , "Standardization and Context-Specific Named Entity Linking of Electronic Medical Records", 2nd International Conference on Emerging trends and Innovations in ICT-2022 (ICEI-2022) organized by SCTRs, PICT Pune 2022.


Isha Agarwal, Dipti P. Rana , Ch Surya Teja and Nunna Naga Surya Sai Daivik, "FNH – A Data Repository for Studying Fake News in Healthcare Domain", 7th International Conference on Emerging Applications of Information Technology (EAIT 2022), CSI KOLKATA CHAPTER, Kolkata, West Bengal,


Shweta Tikhe and Dipti P. Rana , "Fine-Tuned Predictive Models for Forecasting Severity Level of Covid-19 Patient Using Epidemiological Data", 7th International Conference on Emerging Applications of Information Technology (EAIT 2022), CSI KOLKATA CHAPTER, Kolkata, West Bengal,


Navodita Saini and Dipti P. Rana , “Dictionary based Gender Identification and Gender based Sentiment Analysis with Polarized Word2vec”, Fourth International Conference on Futuristic Trends in Networks, Computing and Communication Technologies (FTNCT), Nirma University, Ahmedabad,


Dipti P. Rana , Charmi Shah, Yamini Kabra, Ummulkiram Daginawala and Pranjal Tibrewal, "Hierarchical Earthquake Prediction Framework ", International Conference on Paradigms of Communication, Computing and Data Sciences (PCCDS 2022), Organized in Virtual Format by Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur, India, 05-07 July , 2022.


V. V. Rathod, Dipti P. Rana and Rupa G. Mehta , "An Extensive Review of Deep Learning Driven Remote Sensing Image Classification Models," 2022 Third International Conference on Intelligent Computing Instrumentation and Control Technologies (ICICICT), Kannur, India, October 2022, pp. 762-774, doi: 10.1109/ICICICT54557.2022.9917583.


Aditi S. Kansara, Bhavesh N. Gohil , Nisha Verma, “Task Scheduling in Cloud Computing using Mean Ant Colony Optimization”, The 6th International Conference on Information Systems and Computer Networks (ISCON), GLA University, Mathura, IEEE, February 3, 2023.


Aditi S. Kansara, Bhavesh N. Gohil , Nisha Verma, “Load balancing in Cloud Computing Environment using Modified Genetic Algorithm”, The 6th International Conference on Information Systems and Computer Networks (ISCON), GLA University, Mathura, IEEE, February 3, 2023.


Nishtha S., Sejal T., Ankita K., Kokshad N., Aditya D., Bhavesh N. Gohil , “XGBoost-based dynamic ride-sharing model forNew York City”, The 6th International Conference on Information Systems and Computer Networks (ISCON), GLA University, Mathura, IEEE, February 3, 2023.


Divya Jyoti, Prarthana J. Mehta, Balu L. Parne , Sankita J Patel , “ALKAF: An anonymous lightweight key agreement framework for smart grid network.” 19th IEEE India Council International Conference (INDICON), Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT) Kochi, IEEE, pp. 1-6, 2022.


Mansi Singhal, Prarthana J. Mehta, Balu L. Parne , Sankita J Patel , “Device fingerprinting based multifactor authentication in LoRa device," 19th IEEE India Council International Conference (INDICON), Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT) Kochi, IEEE, pp. 1-6, December 24-26 2022.


Manish Kumar, Shriniwas Patil, and Keyur Parmar , Secure Protocol for VANETs Communication, IEEE 19th India Council International Conference (INDICON), Kochi, India, IEEE, 1-6, November 2022.


Jaymin Dafda, Shriniwas Patil, and Keyur Parmar , Decentralized Energy Trading Model with Smart Grids and Blockchain, IEEE 19th India Council International Conference (INDICON), Kochi, India, IEEE, 01-06, November 2022.


Sourabh Bhaskar, Keyur Parmar and Devesh C. Jinwala , A Survey of Ciphertext Processing Techniques, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Futuristic Trends in Networks and Computing Technologies (FTNCT), Ahmedabad, India, Springer, 735-747, November 2022.


Shriniwas Patil and Keyur Parmar , Differential Privacy Mechanisms: A State of the Art Survey, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Futuristic Trends in Networks and Computing Technologies (FTNCT), Ahmedabad, India, Springer, 1049-1060, November 2022.


Keyur Parmar , Shriniwas Patil, Vadlapudi Devanand Kumar, Neduri Leela Prasanth, Pranoppal, Kasa Charan Teja, and Kaushal A. Shah, Blockchain based Secure, Efficient, and Scalable Platform to Revolutionize the Organ Donation Process of Healthcare Industry, Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Cyber Physical Systems and Internet of Things (ICoICI), Coimbatore, India, Springer, 2022.


Akhil Chaurasia, Manthan Maheriya, Shubham Kumar,Karan Mashru, Abhi Lunagariya, Alok Kumar and Udai Pratap Rao - “Deep Learning based Automatic Response Generation for Amazon QA Dataset” (ICONIC 2023) LPU, India


Akhil Chaurasia, Priyanka Kamble, Shivesh Kumar, Jay Shah, Shubham Bajaj, Udai Pratap Rao and Alok Kumar - “Twitter Sentiment Analysis using different Machine Learning Techniques” (ICRTC - 2023), SRM, India


Sujoy Roy, Alok Kumar and Udai Pratap Rao - “Security Attacks and it’s Countermeasures on Smart Grid: A Review” ( IC2E3 - 2023), NIT Uttarakhand, India


Akhil Chaurasia, Krina Patel, Jaina Vaishnav, Priyanka Patel, Alok Kumar ,Abhilash Mandloi and Udai Pratap Rao - “Blockchain based Secure Energy Trading in V2G infrastructure” (ICCET 2023), NIT Patna, India

Research Publications (2021 - 2022)

Publication in the International Journals
Sr. No. Description


Bhavesh Gohil and Dhiren Patel ; Load Balancing in Cloud using Improved gray Wolf Optimizer, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, John Wiley & Sons, Vol 34, Issue 11, 2022


Ajay Kumar, Dhiren Patel Multilabel classification of remote sensed satellite imagery, Transactions on emerging telecommunications technologies, Wiley, Vol 32, Issue 7, 2021


Pranav Nerurkar, Dhiren Patel Supervised learning model for identifying illegal activities in Bitcoin, Applied Intelligence, Springer US, Vol 51, Issue 6, 2021


Pranav Nerurkar, Dhiren Patel Dissecting bitcoin blockchain: Empirical analysis of bitcoin network (2009–2020), Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Elsevier, Vol 177, 2021


Anshuman Patel, Devesh C. Jinwala : A Trust-Integrated RPL Protocol to Detect Blackhole Attack in Internet of Things. International Journal of Information Security and Privacy, 15(4): 1-17 (2021)


Dhruti Sharma, Devesh C. Jinwala : Multi-writer multi-reader conjunctive keyword searchable encryption. International Journal of Information and Computer Security 15(2/3): 141-162 (2021)


Kaushal A. Shah, Devesh C. Jinwala : Privacy preserving secure expansive aggregation with malicious node identification in linear wireless sensor networks. Frontiers of Computer Science Jorunal, 15(6): 156813 (2021)


Anshuman Patel, Devesh C. Jinwala : A reputation-based RPL protocol to detect selective forwarding attack in Internet of Things. International Journal of Communication Systems, 35(1), (2022)


H. B. Patel, and Devesh C. Jinwala ,” Trust and Strainer Based Approach for Mitigating Blackhole Attack in 6LoWPAN: A Hybrid Approach,” IAENG International Journal of Computer Science, vol. 48, no. 4, 2021, pp. 1062-1074.


Rutal Mahajan and Mukesh Zaveri , Harnessing Emotive Features for Emotion Recognition from Text, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), SAI Publication, Vol. 12, No. 7, Page 166-175, July 2021.


Himanshu K. Gajera, Mukesh Zaveri , Deepak Ranjan Nayak, Patch-based local deep feature extraction for automated skin cancer classification, International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, Wiley, March 2022.


Jenish Dhanani, Rupa Mehta and Dipti P. Rana . Effective and scalable legal judgment recommendation using pre-learned word embedding. Complex Intell. Syst. vol. 8, page. 1-15 (2022).


Jenish Dhanani, Rupa Mehta and Dipti P. Rana Sentiment Weighted Word Embedding for Big Text Data. International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies. vol. 16, page. 1-17. (2021).


Jenish Dhanani, Rupa Mehta and Dipti P. Rana Legal Document Recommendation System: A Cluster Based Pairwise Similarity Computation. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, vol. 41, no. 5, page. 5497-5509, (2021).


Jenish Dhanani, Rupa Mehta and Dipti P. Rana Legal document recommendation system: a dictionary-based approach. International Journal of Web Information Systems. ahead-of-print. vol. 17 no. 3, page. 187-203, (2021).


RISC-Net: rotation invariant siamese convolution network for floor plan image retrieval, Atharva Kalsekar, Rasika Khade, Krupa Jariwala , Chiranjoy Chattopadhyay, Multimedia Tools and Applications- Springer, 2022


A Rotation and Scale Invariant Approach for Multi-oriented Floor Plan Image Retrieval”, Pattern Recognition Letters, Rasika Khade, Krupa Jariwala , Chiranjoy Chattopadhyay, Umapada Pal, Pattern Recognition Letters, Elsevier, Vol 45, 2021, pp 1-7.


Agarwal, I. Y., Dipti P. Rana , Shaikh, M. et al., “Spatio-Temporal Approach for Classification of COVID-19 Pandemic Fake News”, Social Networks Analysis and Mining, Vol. 12, pp. 68 (1-9), June 2022. (ESCI, Scopus)


Anjali S. More, Dipti P. Rana , "Performance Enrichment through Parameter Tuning of Random Forest Classification for Imbalanced Data Applications", Materials Today: Proceedings, pp. 3585-3593, 2022. DOI: 10.1016/j.matpr.2021.12.020 (Scopus)


Isha Agarwal, Dipti P. Rana , Aemie Jariwala, Sahil Bondre, “A Novel Stance based Sampling for Imbalanced Data”, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), Vol. 13, No. 1, Jan 2022. DOI: 10.14569/IJACSA.2022.0130157 (Open Access) (Scopus)


Ankur O. Bang, Udai Pratap Rao , Pallavi Kaliyar and Mauro Conti, “Assessment of Routing Attacks and Mitigation Techniques with RPL Control Messages: A Survey”, ACM Computing Surveys, 2022, 55, 2, Article 44, pp. 1-36. DOI: (SCI Indexed)


Gordhan B. Jethava, Udai Pratap Rao , “User Behavior-based and Graph-based Hybrid Approach for Detection of Sybil Attack in Online Social Networks”, Computers and Electrical Engineering, Elsevier, vol 99, pp. 1-13, 2022. (SCI Indexed)


Ankur O. Bang, Udai Pratap Rao , “Design and Evaluation of a Novel White-box Encryption Scheme for Resource-constrained IoT Devices”, Journal of Supercomputing, Springer, Vol. 78, pp. 11111–11137, 2022. (SCI Indexed)


Gordhan B. Jethava, Udai Pratap Rao , "A Novel Trust Prediction Approach for Online Social Networks Based on Multifaceted Feature Similarity", Cluster Computing, Springer, pp. 1-15. (SCI Indexed)


Ankur O. Bang, Udai Pratap Rao , “EMBOF-RPL: Improved RPL for Early Detection and Isolation of Rank Attack in RPL-Based Internet of Things”, Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, 2022, Springer, vol. 15, pp. 642–665. (SCI Indexed)


Nikunj Domadiya, Udai Pratap Rao , “Elgamal Homomorphic Encryption based Privacy Preserving Association Rule Mining on Horizontally Partitioned Healthcare Data”, Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series B, Springer. (Scopus Indexed)


Gordhan B. Jethava, Udai Pratap Rao , “An Interaction-based and Graph-based Hybrid Approach to Evaluate Trust in Online Social Networks (OSNs)”, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Springer, 2021. (SCI Indexed)


Nikunj Domadiya, Udai Pratap Rao ,“Privacy Preserving Association Rule Mining on Distributed Healthcare Data: COVID-19 and Breast Cancer Case Study”, SN Computer Science, Springer, vol. 2, Article number: 418, pp. 1-9, 2021. (Scopus)


Minal Patel, Bhavesh Gohil , Sanjay Chaudhary, Sanjay Garg, " Smart OffloadChain: A Proposed Architecture for Blockchain Assisted Fog Offloading in Smart City ", International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), Volume -12, No-4, 2022


Shivangi Shukla and Sankita J. Patel , A novel ECC-based provably secure and privacy-preserving multi-factor authentication protocol for cloud computing, Computing Journal, Springer, pp. 1-30, January 2022.


Unnati Shah, Sankita J. Patel and Devesh C. Jinwala , Detecting Intra-Conflicts in Non-Functional Requirements, International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, World Scientific Publishing, vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 435-461, June 2021.


Shubham Gupta, Balu L. Parne , N.S. Chaudhari and Sandeep Saxena, “SEAI: Secrecy and Efficiency Aware Inter-gNB Handover Authentication and Key Agreement Protocol in 5G Communication Network” Wireless Personal Communication (WPC), Springer, Vol No. 122, Pages- 2925-2962, 2022,

Publication of Book or Book Chapter/s:
Sr. No. Description


Book chapter, Kamble Nidhi, Patel, Dhiren Patel ; Using Blockchain in Autonomous Vehicles. In: Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain for Future Cybersecurity Applications - Studies in Big Data, vol 90. Springer Cham, 2021.


Rana, Rupa Mehta and Dipti P. Rana eds. “Data Preprocessing, Active Learning, and Cost Perceptive Approaches for Resolving Data Imbalance”. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2021. (http://doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-7371-6)


Dhanani, Jenish and Rupa Mehta , Dipti P. Rana , Rahul Lad, Amogh Agrawal, Karan Chevli, and Jashwanth Gummula Reddy. "Indian Judgment Categorization for Practicing Similar Judgment Identification." In Data Preprocessing, Active Learning, and Cost Perceptive Approaches for Resolving Data Imbalance, pp. 232-241. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2021. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-7371-6.ch013(Scopus)


Desai, Mitali and Rupa Mehta and Dipti P. Rana . "An Experimental Analysis to Learn Data Imbalance in Scholarly Data: A Case Study on ResearchGate." In Data Preprocessing, Active Learning, and Cost Perceptive Approaches for Resolving Data Imbalance, pp. 242-254. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2021. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-7371-6.ch014 (Scopus)


Shivani Vasantbhai Vora, Rupa Mehta Shreyas Kishorkumar Patel, “"Impact of Balancing Techniques for Imbalanced Class Distribution on Twitter Data for Emotion Analysis: A Case Study." In Data Preprocessing, Active Learning, and Cost Perceptive Approaches for Resolving Data Imbalance. edited by Rana, Rupa Mehta and Dipti P. Rana, pp. 211-231. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2021. (Scopus)


Rana, Rupa Mehta and Dipti P. Rana eds. “Data Preprocessing, Active Learning, and Cost Perceptive Approaches for Resolving Data Imbalance”. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2021. (http://doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-7371-6)


P. Mahajan, Dipti P. Rana , "Investigating Clinical Named Entity Recognition Approaches for Information Extraction from EMR." In: Mehta M., Fournier-Viger P., Patel M., Lin J.CW. (eds) Tracking and Preventing Diseases with Artificial Intelligence. Intelligent Systems Reference Library, vol 206, 2022. Springer, Cham. (Scopus)


More, Anjali S., and Dipti P. Rana . "Review of Imbalanced Data Classification and Approaches Relating to Real-Time Applications." In Data Preprocessing, Active Learning, and Cost Perceptive Approaches for Resolving Data Imbalance, pp. 1-22. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2021. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-7371-6.ch001 (Scopus)


Agarwal, Isha Y. and Dipti P. Rana , Devanshi Bhatia, Jay Rathod, Kaneesha J. Gandhi, and Harshit Sodagar. "Detection of Bot Accounts on Social Media Considering Its Imbalanced Nature." In Data Preprocessing, Active Learning, and Cost Perceptive Approaches for Resolving Data Imbalance, pp. 162-176. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2021. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-7371-6.ch009 (Scopus)


Agarwal, Isha Y. and Dipti P. Rana , Kshitij R. Suri, Punitkumar Jain, Saumya Awasthi, and Krittika Roy. "Behaviour Anomaly Detection With Similarity-Based Sampling for Imbalanced Data." In Data Preprocessing, Active Learning, and Cost Perceptive Approaches for Resolving Data Imbalance, pp. 177-194. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2021. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-7371-6.ch010 (Scopus)


Agarwal, Isha Y., and Dipti P. Rana . "Fake News and Imbalanced Data Perspective." In Data Preprocessing, Active Learning, and Cost Perceptive Approaches for Resolving Data Imbalance, pp. 195-210. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2021. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-7371-6.ch011 (Scopus)


Dipti P. Rana and Navodita Saini. "Gender-Based Tweet Analysis (GTA)." In Data Preprocessing, Active Learning, and Cost Perceptive Approaches for Resolving Data Imbalance, pp. 255-267. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2021. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-7371-6.ch015 (Scopus)


Kenny Kumar M.J., Dipti P. Rana "High Average Utility Itemset Mining: A Survey" In: Chaki N., Pejas J., Devarakonda N., Rao Kovvur R.M. (eds) Proceedings of International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Data Engineering. Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, vol 56. PP. 347-374, Springer, Singapore, 2021.


Ruchika Gupta, Udai Pratap Rao , “Investigating and Devising Privacy Preserving Approaches for Location-Based Services”, Intelligent Technologies: Concepts, Applications, and Future Directions. Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol 1028, 2022, Springer. (Book Chapter)


Udai Pratap Rao , Sankita J. Patel, Pethuru Raj, Andrea Visconti, “Security, Privacy and Data Analytics”, Springer, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering book series (LNEE, volume 848). (Book)


Udai Pratap Rao , P.K. Shukla, C Trivedi, S Gupta, & Z.S. Shibeshi, (2021). Blockchain for Information Security and Privacy (1st ed.), CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group. (Book)


S. Gupta, K. Shah, A. Hirapara, D. Mistry, A. O. Bang, & Udai Pratap Rao , (2021), A New Ecosystem for Digital Identity Verification Using Blockchain, In Blockchain for Information Security and Privacy, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, pp. 293-313. (Book Chapter)


A. Bang, Udai Pratap Rao and A. Bhusari, “A comprehensive study of security issues and research challenges in different layers of service-oriented iot architecture,” In CYBER SECURITY AND DIGITAL FORENSICS. John Wiley & Sons, 2022, Chapter 1, pp. 8–31 (Book Chapter)


Mehak Wadhwani, Nisha Mansoori, Shivangi Tanwar, Aanchal Handa, and Bhavesh N. Gohil , "A Secure Online Voting System Using Blockchain", Blockchain for Information Security and Privacy, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2021


Atharva Kalsekar, Avinash Jaiswal, Rogin Koshy, Sameer Mandloi, and Bhavesh N. Gohil , "Secure Electronic Health Records (EHR) Management Using Blockchain", Blockchain for Information Security and Privacy, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2021


Book Chapter: Kanchan Kumari, Shubham Pandey, Pritesh Kethele, Sankita J. Patel , Shweta Shah and Upena Dalal, Design of LinkIt ONE-Based IoT System with Middleware Architecture for Healthcare Monitoring, IoT Applications for Healthcare Systems, EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing, Springer, April 2022.


Book Chapter: Hiral S. Trivedi and Sankita J. Patel, Security and Privacy Aspects in the Internet of Things (IoT) and Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), Handbook of Research of Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems, Apple Academic Press, Taylor and Francis Group, 2022


Book Chapter: Sankita J. Patel , Ujjwal Kumar, Hrishabh Sharma, Amruta Mulay and Rishabh Kumar, Leveraging Blockchain Technology for Decentralized Domain Name Broker Service, Blockchain for Information Security and Privacy. Auerbach Publications, Taylor and Francis Group, 2021.


Edited Book: Udai Pratap Rao ,Sankita J. Patel Pethuru Raj, Andrea Visconti, (eds), Security, Privacy and Data Analytics. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 848, Springer, Singapore, April 2022.


Keyur Parmar , Shriniwas Patil, Vadlapudi Devanand Kumar, Neduri Leela Prasanth, Pranoppal, Kasa Charan Teja, Kaushal A. Shah, Blockchain based Secure, Efficient, and Scalable Platform to Revolutionize the Organ Donation Process of Healthcare Industry, Engineering Cyber-Physical Systems and Critical Infrastructures, Springer, Singapore [Accepted and will be published soon.]


Kaushal Shah, Uday Khokhariya, Nidhay Pancholi, Shambhavi Kumar and Keyur Parmar , Securing Cookies/Sessions through Non-Fungible Tokens, Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Blockchain Technologies (IWBT2022) in conjunction with 27th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA 2022), Hyderabad, India, Springer, Singapore. [Note: Accepted and will be published soon.]


Sourabh Bhaskar, Keyur Parmar and Devesh C. Jinwala , A Survey of Ciphertext Processing Techniques, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Futuristic Trends in Network and Communication Technologies (FTNCT), Ahmedabad, India, Springer, Singapore. [Note: Accepted and will be published soon.]


Shriniwas Patil and Keyur Parmar , Differential Privacy Mechanisms: A State-of-the-Art Survey, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Futuristic Trends in Network and Communication Technologies (FTNCT), Ahmedabad, India, December, Springer, Singapore. [Note: Accepted and will be published soon.]

Conference Proceedings / Papers presented in the International Conferences / Workshops / Seminars
Sr. No. Description


Vidhi Rambhia, Dhiren Patel ; Agrichain: A Blockchain-Based Food Supply Chain Management System, 4th International Conference - Blockchain ICBC 2021, Virtual Event, Springer LNCS Vol 12991, pp 3-15, 2021


Revathi Vijayaraghavan, Dhiren Patel ; CampusMaps: Voice Assisted Navigation Using Alexa Skills, Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems, Singapore, Springer, pp 40-51, 2021


Shreya Khatal, Dhiren Patel ; FileShare: A Blockchain and IPFS Framework for Secure File Sharing and Data Provenance, Advances in Machine Learning and Computational Intelligence - AIS, Singapore, Springer, pp825-833, 2021


Gautam Kumar, Mukesh Zaveri , Sambit Bakshi, Pankaj K Sa, Who is behind the Mask: Periocular Biometrics when Face Recognition Fails, IEEE 2nd International Conference on Power, Control and Computing Technologies (ICPC2T), Raipur, India, 1-3 March 2022.


Upscaling Profits in Financial Market, Jay Chawla, Rohit Bakoliya, Jitendra Jat, Jignesh Jinjala, Manali Patel and Krupa Jariwala , 2nd Int'l Conference on Artificial Intelligence & Knowledge Processing (AIKP’22), 22-23July 2022, Accepted for Publication.


Isha Agarwal, Dipti P. Rana , Ch Surya Teja, and Nunna Naga Surya Sai Daivik, "FNH – A Data Repository for Studying Fake News in Healthcare Domain", 7th International Conference on Emerging Applications of Information Technology (EAIT 2022), CSI KOLKATA CHAPTER, Kolkata, West Bengal, March 29 - 31, 2022.


Shweta Tikhe and Dipti P. Rana , "Fine-Tuned Predictive Models for Forecasting Severity Level of Covid-19 Patient Using Epidemiological Data", 7th International Conference on Emerging Applications of Information Technology (EAIT 2022), CSI KOLKATA CHAPTER, Kolkata, West Bengal, March 29 - 31, 2022.


Navodita Saini and Dipti P. Rana , “Dictionary based Gender Identification and Gender based Sentiment Analysis with Polarized Word2vec”, Fourth International Conference on Futuristic Trends in Networks, Computing and Communication Technologies (FTNCT), Nirma University, Ahmedabad, 10-11 Dec. 2021.


Suryansh Raj Singh, Harsh Mithaiwala, Nirav Chauhan, Parth Shah, Chandan Trivedi, and Udai Pratap Rao , “Decentralized Blockchain-Based Framework for Securing Review System”, In the proceedings of International Conference on Security, Privacy, and Data Analytics (ISPDA 2021), Springer, pp. 239-255, 2022.


Nishtha Srivastava, Ashish Chaudhari, Nidhi Joraviya, Bhavesh N. Gohil , Suprio Ray, and Udai Pratap Rao , “A Review of Machine Learning-Based Intrusion Detection System on the Cloud”, In the proceedings of International Conference on Security, Privacy, and Data Analytics (ISPDA 2021), Springer, pp. 303-317, 2022.


Ankur Bang, Udai Pratap Rao , Pethuru Raj and Alok Kumar, “White-Box Encryption Scheme for Resource-constrained IoT Devices”, In the proceedings of International Conference on Security, Privacy, and Data Analytics (ISPDA 2021), Springer, pp. 257-268, 2022.


Hrishabh Sharma, Ujjawal Kumar, Amruta Mulay, Rishabh Kumar and Sankita J. Patel . Democratic Aftermarket for Domain Names. In: Rao, U.P., Patel, S.J., Raj, P., Visconti, A. (eds) Security, Privacy and Data Analytics. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 848. Springer, Singapore, April 2022.


Hiral Trivedi and Sankita J. Patel , Privacy Preserving Scalable Authentication Protocol with Partially Trusted Third Party for Distributed Internet-of-Things, In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT), ISBN 978-989-758-524-1, ISSN 2184-7711, pp. 812-818, July 2021.

Faculty other Achievements

Dr. Devesh C. Jinwala

Professor (HAG), Ph. D.

Notable Achievements:

o Continuing to serve as Adjunct Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Jammu.

o Acting as member, Standing Executive Committee at IIT Jammu, for the appointment of the Visiting Faculty, Adjunct Faculty and Visiting (Retired) Faculty members.

o Invited to serve as Adjunct Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, CHARUSAT University, Changa.

o Nominated as Senior Member, the ACM. Already a Senior Member, IEEE

o On the Board of Studies at the DA-IICT, Gandhinagar, the Department of Computer Science and Engineering Parul University, the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, S G S Institute of Technology and Sciences, Indore, Member, PDEU, Gandhinagar.

o Member, Faculty Selection Committee at various institutes/universities.

o Appointed as an Expert for the review of the ongoing DRDO Sponsored projects at the Central University of Jammu by DRDO Labs.

o Co-supervising a PhD scholar at IIT Jammu

(2022 - 2023)

o Prof. Devesh C Jinwala Continuing to serve as Adjunct Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Jammu.

o Prof. Devesh C Jinwala acting as member, Standing Executive Committee at IIT Jammu, for the appointment of the Visiting Faculty, Adjunct Faculty and Visiting (Retired) Faculty members.

o Prof. Devesh C Jinwala invited to serve as Adjunct Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, CHARUSAT University, Changa.

o Prof. Devesh C Jinwala Nominated as Senior Member, the IEEE.

o Prof. Devesh C Jinwala Invited to serve as Mentor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, S G S Institute of Technology and Sciences, Indore.

o Prof. Devesh C Jinwala worked as a Member, Board of Studies at DA-IICT, Gandhinagar; PDEU, Gandhinagar; Parul University, Vadodara.

o Prof. Devesh C Jinwala worked as a Member, Faculty Selection Committee at DA-IICT, Gandhinagar; NIT, Srinagar; MIT World Peace University, Pune.

o Prof. Devesh C Jinwala Invited to teach the Institute Elective/Open Category course viz. Smart and Sustainable Cities, IIT Jammu and the courses (partially) viz. Design and Analysis of Algorithms and Software Engineering at BTech, CHARUSAT, Changa academic year 2021-22.

o Prof. Devesh C Jinwala Appointed as an Expert for the verification of the DRDO Labs at Central University of Jammu by DRDO Labs.

o Prof. Devesh C Jinwala Acting as Dean(R&C), SVNIT Surat since 12th February 2021.

o Prof. Devesh C Jinwala Acting as Professor Incharge, International Affairs, SVNIT Surat since Sep 16, 2020.

Prof. Devesh C Jinwala Co-supervising a PhD scholar at IIT Jammu.

Dr. Dhiren R. Patel

Professor, Ph. D.

Notable Achievements:

o Visited IIT Madras and interacted with Director Prof. V. Kamakoti on Renewable Energy & Sustainability initiatives (Jan 2024)

o Visited IIT Madras and interacted with Renewable Energy research group - reviewed Green Hydrogen Microgrid set up (Feb 2024)

o Visited IIT Madras and interacted with Carbon Capture and Utilization Research group – reviewed CCUS container installation (March 2024)

o About 5 Visits as a Chairman of Evaluation Team – NBA for Tier I and Tier II Engineering Colleges for accreditations of UG programs (J&K, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka)

o Member – ISO TC 307 Blockchain & DLT – Working Group – Security and Privacy, Working Group - Smart Contracts, Working Group – DLT Use Cases

o Advisor – UPL University of Sustainable Technologies, Ankleshwar, Gujarat (2023-24)

o Strategic Advisor R&D RNE – Kshema Power, Chennai TN (2024-25)

o Attended the International Conference on Binance Blockchain Week 2024 during October 30-31, 2024 at the Coca-Cola Arena, AI Wasl, Dubai.

(2022 – 2023)

o Prof. Dhiren Patel, Professor DoCSE SVNIT – worked as an Institute Director of VJTI Mumbai (2017-2022).

o Prof. Dhiren Patel, attended World Nuclear Exhibition @ Paris France (Nov 2021) and held meetings with EDF and I2EN and its partner institutions at Paris for JNPP CoE.

o Prof. Dhiren Patel visited IMT Atlantique Nantes campus, France for R&D collaborations (Dec 2021).

o Prof. Dhiren Patel visited ESILV, ESCTACA, ENSAM, and Engineering Polytech Paris Sud as a part of VIP participant at Rendezvous 2021.

o Prof. Dhiren Patel participated in meetings with French Ministries (Accreditation Body and Regulators), Paris and n+i institutions (Dec 2021).

o Prof. Dhiren Patel worked as a ChairPerson Technology Based Incubator at VJTI-TBI Mumbai (till May 2022).

o Prof, Dhiren Patel worked as a Chairman of NBA committees (accreditation visits).

o Prof. Dhiren Patel worked as a member on UGC committees (autonomy compliances visits).

Prof. Dhiren Patel worked as a India chair of Indo-French Jaitapur Nuclear Power Plant Centre of Excellence (2020-22).

Dr. Rupa G. Mehta

Professor, Ph. D.

Notable Achievements:

o Prof. Rupa G. Mehta is contributing as a member of BOS at the

o Department of Information technology, Thakur College of Engineering, Mumbai.

o Department of Computer science, CVM University Vidhyanagar, Anand, Gujarat.

o Department of Information Technology (IT), R. N. G. Patel Institute of Technology, Afwa-Isroli, Bardoli.

(2022 2023)

  • Dr. Rupa G. Mehta acting as a Head of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SVNIT Surat from February 2022.
  • o Dr. Rupa G. Mehta participated in National Level Workshop on the NEP 2020 (Curriculum Framework) through online mode on 21-22 March 2022
  • Dr. Abhilasha Chaudhuri

    Assistant Professor, Ph. D.

    Notable Achievements:

    o Published an article in the journal “Knowledge-Based Systems” which is an SCI indexed journal having an Impact factor 8.8 (Q1).

    o Contributed EEG pre-processing and classification tool based on Python to GitHub.

    Faculty Achievements: (2022 - 2023)

    Shri. R. P. Gohil

    Associate Professor, M. Tech.

    Notable Achievements:

    o Mr. R. P. Gohil worked as a NODAL OFFICER for NIRF-2022 Committee of SVNIT, Surat.

    o Mr. R. P. Gohil contributed as a Chairman of Committee for strategic planning for improvement of NIRF ranking of SVNIT.

    o Mr. R.P. Gohil worked as a Deputy Centre In-Charge CCMT-2021 & CCMT-2022 at SVNIT Surat.

    o Mr. R. P. Gohil taken a charge of Faculty In-Charge Networking & Computing Facility at SVNIT Surat.

    o Mr. R. P. Gohil worked as a chairman for procurement of Workstation/Software under seed money/Research Grant 2021-22.

    o Mr. R. P. Gohil worked as a Chairman of Committee for procurement of Desktop/ workstation at SVNIT Surat.

    o Mr. R. P. Gohil worked as an Overall Coordinator for M.Tech. admission under ICCR category at SVNIT Surat.

    o Mr. R. P. Gohil worked as an Overall Coordinator for M.Tech. (Sponsored Category) admission at SVNIT, Surat.

    o Mr. R. P. Gohil acting as Department PG Incharge – M.Tech. (CSE) at SVNIT, Surat.

    o Mr. R. P. Gohil working as a Member of Institute Disciplinary Committee at SVNIT, Surat.

    Dr. Dipti P. Rana

    Associate Professor, Ph. D.

    Notable Achievements:

    o Dr. Dipti P. Rana Published dataset: J. Dhanani, Rupa G. Mehta, D. Rana, “Legal W2V: Legal Vocabulary Embedding,” Mendeley Data, V1, May, 2021, DOI: 10.17632/97tytghd47.1

    o Dr. Dipti P. Rana contributed as a Session Chair in Conference "International Conference on Cyber Technologies and Emerging Sciences-2021 (ICCTES-2021)", 17-18th December 2021, School of Computing | Graphic Era Hill University, Nainital, Uttrakhand, India.

    o Dr. Dipti P. Rana contributed as Primary Evaluator, Toycathon 2021, Ministry of Education’s Innovation Cell and AICTE.

    o Dr. Dipti P. Rana received ACM Appreciation for a Faculty Sponsor for ACM, SVNIT-Surat Chapter for period June 2021- July 2022.

    o Dr. Dipti P. Rana worked as a DPC member, Ph.D student - Ms. Nidhi Patel, Sarvajanik College of Engineering and Technology, Surat, Gujarat Technological University.

    o Dr. Dipti P. Rana worked as a Mentor for Garvit Bhatt, M.Tech. programme in Data Science and Engineering, BITS, Pilani from April 2022.

    o Dr. Dipti P. Rana contributed as a Book Reviewer, “Data Warehousing Fundamentals for IT Professionals, 2nd Edition by Paulraj Ponniah”, Wiley, Feb 2022.

    Dr. Udai Pratap Rao

    Associate Professor, Ph. D.

    Notable Achievements:

    o Dr. Udai Pratap Rao Elevated to the grade of IEEE Senior member.

    o Dr. Udai Pratap Rao contributed as a Special Issue Editor on Special Issue entitled "AI & Blockchain Assisted Innovative Techniques & Solutions to Modern CPS Security for Industry 4.0/5.0", Name of Journal: Sensors (MDPI Publisher).

    o Dr. Udai Pratap Rao got a Sanctioned of research project by IHUB NTIHAC Foundation, IITK, under the aegis of the National Mission on Interdisciplinary Cyber-Physical System (NM-ICPS), Department of Science and Technology, Government of India.

    o Dr. Udai Pratap Rao Received grant from AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy to conduct an ONLINE One-week FDP on Cyber Threat Intelligence & Digital Forensics (CTIDF) during 19-23 July 2021.

    o Dr. Udai Pratap Rao Worked as Professor-In-Charge Computing & Networking Facility of the Institute from 08th April 2019 to 8th April 2022.

    o Dr. Udai Pratap Rao worked as Member in interview panel as a subject expert for appointment of a computer subject teacher for Reliance Foundation School, Surat on 09.06.2022.

    o Dr. Udai Pratap Rao worked as an Expert for recruitment of CSE/IT faculty at Parul University Vadodara, Gujarat on 26-02-2022.

    Dr. Balu L. Parne

    Assistant Professor, Ph. D.

    Notable Achievements:

    o Dr. Balu L. Parne Worked as Additional Faculty-In-Charge Computing & Networking Facility of the Institute from 03rd July 2020 to 03rd July 2022.

    Dr. Keyur Parmar

    Assistant Professor, Ph. D.

    Notable Achievements:

    o Dr. Keyur J Parmar worked as PhD – Doctoral Committee Member, School of Computer Science and Engineering, VIT-AP University, Andhra Pradesh, India [Student: Ms. D. Yaso Omkari (21PHD7062), Supervisor: Dr. Snehal B. Shinde], Topic: An Effective Machine Learning Approach for Cardiovascular Disease Prediction.

    o Dr. Keyur J. Parmar Participated in the 27th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA 2022) (11-April-2022 to 14-April-2022), organized by International Institute of Information Technology (IIIT), Hyderabad, Telangana, India.

    o Dr. Keyur J. Parmar Participated in Fourth International Conference on Futuristic Trends in Networks and Computing Technologies (FTNCT-2021), (10-Dec-2021 to 11-Dec-2021), organized by: Nirma University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.

    o Dr. Keyur J. Parmar Participated in AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy Sponsored Online Elementary FDP on Cyber Security & Cryptography: Trends and Technologies, (04-Oct-2021 to 08-Oct-2021), organized by: Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design and Manufacturing, Kancheepuram, Tamil Nadu, India.

    o Dr. Keyur J. Parmar Participated in AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy Sponsored Online Elementary FDP on Digital Forensics in Cyber Security, (02-Aug-2021 to 06-Aug-2021), organized by: Center for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India.

    o Dr. Keyur J. Parmar Coordinated the Smart India Hackathon (SIH 2022) Workshop (Internal), and SPOC for External SIH 2022 at SVNIT, Surat.

    o Dr. Keyur J. Parmar worked as a Cochairman of Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) student chapter (Committee of Student’s Council) at SVNIT, Surat.

    o Dr. Keyur J. Parmar worked as a Member of a Center for Inter-Disciplinary Research (CIDR) at SVNIT, Surat.