Department of Electrical Engineering

Message from HoD

Dr. Pranav B. Darji

Mobile No. -
Office No.(O)0261-2201582
Office Email hod[at]eed[dot]svnit[dot]ac[dot]in

Welcome to the Department of Electrical Engineering at SVNIT! Our department is well-known for the student-focused teaching-learning, engineering and technology practice-oriented research and education. Nearly 40 faculties and staffs are dedicated to impart their high-quality education and research experiences to our students and scholars to become leaders of the next generation of Electrical Engineers with the highest professional achievements. The curricula and well-equipped laboratories are designed for preparing the workforce to mitigate the present and emerging technological challenges of the century.
As a research-oriented department, our research activities are extended to the major areas of Electrical Engineering, including power and renewable energy systems, power electronics and drives, instrumentation and control. Our faculty research is funded by several national and state agencies (SERB-DST, MeitY, CSIR, INAE, MHRD, GUJCOST, etc.). Our research in cutting edge of technology is published in the national and international referred journals with the IEEE, IET, Taylor & Francis, Elsevier, Springer and other reputed publishers. Our department offers testing and consultancy services to the nearby industrial belt HAZIRA, Surat Municipal Corporation, power distribution companies, etc.
With nearly 500 UG, 150 PG and 100 PhD scholars, we are one of the largest and high-prestigious departments within the Gujarat state. Our graduates place themselves in prestigious positions in the corporate, government and educational institutions. Many fresh B. Tech. and M. Tech. graduates opt for higher education in the reputed international and national institutions (IISc, IITs, IIMs and others). We are dedicated to bring our education and research programmes to higher recognition in national and international level.
I invite you to visit our website for exploring the department faculties, research activities and exciting opportunities that await you here at DoEE.
“Quality means doing things right and in time when no one is looking at you.” Henry Ford said for the successful business and we do believe and follow.
Dr. P. B. Darji
Professor and Head
Department of Electrical Engineering