Department of Mathematics and Humanities
Message from HoD

Dr. Jayesh M. Dhodiya
Associate Professor (Mathematics), Ph. D.
Office No.(O)0261-2201988
Welcome to the Department of Mathematics and Humanities at SVNIT Surat.The Department has got its present status (name) in August, 2021. It was known as the Department of Applied Mathematics & Humanities since 2009, which was one of the sections of Applied Sciences and Humanities Department before 2009. Over the years, the department has evolved as one of the epicentre of research in India. Growing steadily, today the department not only teaches various topics in Mathematics, English and Management to undergraduate students of different engineering, but also runs its own 5 years Integrated M.Sc. Degree Programme in Mathematics (from 2007), in which admission is made through Joint Admission Committee (JE Examination). The alumni of this department have attained prestigious positions in teaching and research, spread over India and abroad.The department has highly qualified Faculty members consisting of three (3) Professors, three (3) Associate Professors &twelve (12)Assistant Professors. In their pursuit for research, the faculty members have an extensive coverage such as fluid mechanics, Special functions, Algebra, Integral transforms, Approximation theory, Mathematical modelling, Magnetic fluid dynamics, Biomathematics, Data mining, Finite element modelling, Techno innovation to Techno entrepreneurship, General Management, Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Post Modern Fiction and Indian English Fiction etc.
In the department, total 250+ Five Years Integrated M.Sc. Program students are enrolled, 64 Ph.D. student presently doing their research works. Till now total 671 papers have been published by the Department in well reputed SCI/ SCIE and Scopus index Journal. Currently last five years research papers H index of the department is 106, i10 index is 85. In last five years the department have handled Rs. 1,30,63,700/- project of various agencies like Department of Science and Technology (DST), NBHM, ISRO, GUJCOST.Till now the department has produced 89 Ph.D. Students in Mathematics, Management and English.The department have a good placement record. In this current year (2021), out of 53(the total);16 students have been placed in good companies.
This website provides an overview of:The Academic Programs, Details of Major Equipmentavailable in the Department, Research Activities of the Department, Research Facilities, Profiles of Faculty Members, and Details of Student Activities.
For any query, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you for visiting us.