Department of Civil Engineering

Head of Department

Dr. V. L. Manekar

Professor, Ph. D.

Office No.(O)0261-221841
Office Email hod[at]ced[dot]svnit[dot]ac[dot]in


Dr. C. D. Modhera

Professor (HAG), Ph. D.
Research Area: Concrete Technology,Structural dynamics,Earthquake engineering and monitoring health of structural concrete,Special concrete and relevant applications to the field

Mobile No.9824437861
Office No.(O)0261-2201843

Office Email cdm[at]amd[dot]svnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Personal Email cdmodhera[at]yahoo[dot]com

Dr. J. N. Patel

Professor (HAG), Ph. D.
Research Area: Water Resources Engineering, Geo-spatial Technologies, Computational Techniques

Mobile No.9924799422
Office No.(O)0261-2201844

Office Email jnp[at]ced[dot]svnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Personal Email jrgpk[at]yahoo[dot]co[dot]in

Dr. P. L. Patel (On Deputation to V.N.I.T. Nagpur as Director)

Professor (HAG), Ph. D.
Research Area: Experimental and numerical investigations on transport of sediments and bed level variations in Alluvial rivers, Prediction of sediment yield and morphological studies of Alluvial rivers, Hydrodynamics of natural rivers, Stochastic approaches in modelling of turbulence in rigid and mobile boundary channels, Hydrodynamic modelling of floods, Hydrological modelling in assessment of water availability in the basin, Multi-objective approaches in optimal irrigation planning, Spatial and temporal variability of climatic and hydrological parameters in river basins, Inflow prediction into reservoirs.

Mobile No.9904003857, 6352500630
Office No.(O)0261-2201845


Office Email plpatel[at]ced[dot]svnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Personal Email premlalpatel1966[at]gmail[dot]com

Dr. Atul K. Desai

Professor, Ph. D.
Research Area: Structural Dynamics, Soil Structure Interaction, Fiber reinforced soil, Machine Foundations, Geo Textile, Roller compacted concrete for Rural Road development, Turbo Machinery Frame Foundation, Fiber Reinforced concrete & its damping, Bridge engineering, Wind induced oscillation in structure, energy dissipation, Earthquake engineering & structural forensic, Pile raft foundation, Beam-column joint, Bridges subject to seismic loading, Synthetic time history analysis, Analysis and designing of tall structure (such as microwave towers, chimney, cooling tower, steel structure)

Mobile No.9327433390
Office No.(O)0261-2201846

Office Email akd[at]amd[dot]svnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Personal Email atuldesai61[at]gmail[dot]com

Dr. C. H. Solanki

Professor, Ph. D.
Research Area: Sub Soil Characteristics, Prediction in Geo-technical Engineering, Ground improvement techniques, Geo-environmental Engineering

Mobile No.9925207068
Office No.(O)0261-2201847

Office Email chs[at]amd[dot]svnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Personal Email chandresh1968[at]yahoo[dot]co[dot]in

Dr. G. J. Joshi

Professor, Ph. D.
Research Area: Urban Transportation Planning, Traffic Flow Modeling, Public Transport Planning, Regional Planning

Mobile No.9879564862
Office No.(O)0261-2201848

Office Email gj[at]ced[dot]svnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Personal Email gjsvnit92[at]gmail[dot]com

Dr. Krupesh A. Chauhan

Professor, Ph. D.
Research Area: Urban Planning, Urban design, Urban infrastructer planning, Housing Road Safty and Pavment Design

Mobile No.9727712357
Office No.(O)0261-2201849

Office Email kac[at]ced[dot]svnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Personal Email kac3srb[at]gmail[dot]com

Dr. M. Mansoor Ahammed

Professor, Ph. D.
Research Area: Environmental Engineering, Househod water treatment, Anaerobic waste treatment, Health-related water microbiology

Mobile No.9825875162
Office No.(O)0261-2201850

Office Email mma[at]ced[dot]svnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Personal Email mansoorahammed[at]gmail[dot]com

DR. P. G. Agnihotri

Professor, Ph. D.
Research Area: Application of Geospatial, Technology Flood Mitigation, Water Resources Engineering

Mobile No.9924207781
Office No.(O)0261-2201851

Office Email pga[at]ced[dot]svnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Personal Email prasitagnihotri[at]gmail[dot]com

Dr. Rakesh Kumar

Professor, Ph. D.
Research Area: Utilization of Slags, Geosynthetic, Chemical Stabilizers, Cement, Flyash, lime and Others Non-Conventional Materials for Subgrade, Subbase and Base Engineering Use of LWD, FWD, and others NDT instruments for QA & QC of Pavement. Planning, design, and implementation of Public Bus Transit (BRTS), Pavement Engineering (Design, Construction,Evaluation, Maintenace, and Rehabilitation),Highway Economics Analysis using HDM-IV and others Software’s

Mobile No.9662039082
Office No.(O)0261-2201852

Office Email krakesh[at]ced[dot]svnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Personal Email krakesh1999[at]gmail[dot]com

Dr. Sandip A. Vasanwala

Professor, Ph. D.
Research Area: Computer aided structural analysis Engineering, mechanics Structural analysis, Computer applications in civil engineering, Neural network application in structural engineering, Earthquake resistance design of structures, Performance evaluation & capacity based design of concrete structures, Preliminary design of structures, Neural application for preliminary design of space structures

Mobile No.9879458558
Office No.(O)0261-2201854

Office Email sav[at]amd[dot]svnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Personal Email vsandip18[at]gmail[dot]com

Dr. S. M. Yadav

Professor, Ph. D.
Research Area: Fluvial Hydraulics, Reservoir Operation, Sediments & Sediment Yield and Hydro Power, Hydrology and climate change, Construction Management, Application of Soft Computing Techniques in WRE

Mobile No.9426152906
Office No.(O)0261-2201855


Office Email smy[at]ced[dot]svnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Personal Email shivnam27[at]gmail[dot]com

Dr. V. L. Manekar

Professor, Ph. D.
Research Area: Sediment Laden Flow Modelling and Simulation, Ago-Climatic Modelling, Hydrodynamic Flood Modelling, Impact of LULC &Climate Change on Water Resources

Mobile No.9904003865
Office No.(O)0261-2201856

Office Email vlm[at]ced[dot]svnit[dot]ac[dot]in

Dr. Ashish Dhamaniya

Professor, Ph. D.
Research Area: Dynamic Traffic Flow Modeling, Highway Capacity and Level of Service, GIS and GPS applications in Transportation Engineering, Pedestrian Flow Modelling and Facility, Design Road Safety, Pedestrians and Motorists

Mobile No.8347299976
Office No.(O)0261-2201857

Office Email adhamaniya[at]ced[dot]svnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Personal Email adhamaniya[at]gmail[dot]com

Dr. Dilip A. Patel

Professor, Ph. D, LLB.
Research Area: Construction Project Management , Construction Safety , Welfare of Worker , Application of Building Information Modelling , Contract Management , Valuation , Heritage Conservation , Resilient Infrastructure Management , Sustainable Construction

Mobile No.99982 77731
Office No.(O)0261-2201859

Office Email dap[at]ced[dot]svnit[dot]ac[dot]in

Dr. K. D. Yadav

Professor, Ph. D.
Research Area: Human Excreta Management, Solid Waste Management, Organic Waste Management by Composting, Vermicomposting

Mobile No.9428398266
Office No.(O)0261-2201861

Office Email kdy[at]ced[dot]svnit[dot]ac[dot]in

Dr. Shriniwas S. Arkatkar

Professor, Ph. D.
Research Area: Heterogeneous Traffic Flow Modeling and Simulation,Traffic Operation and Management, Transportation Systems Planning, Design and Operation, Public Transportation and Sustainable, Transportation Road Safety and Simulation

Mobile No.8140252777
Office No.(O)0261-2201865

Office Email sarkatkar[at]ced[dot]svnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Personal Email sarkatkar[at]gmail[dot]com

Dr. Yogesh D. Patil

Professor, Ph. D.
Research Area: Earthquake engineering, Fiber reinforced concreteSteel & reinforced concrete beam-column joint and design of steel structures

Mobile No.9998846518
Office No.(O)0261-2201866

Office Email ydp[at]amd[dot]svnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Personal Email chipatil[at]yahoo[dot]com

Associate Professor

Shri. A. J. Shah

Associate Professor, M. Tech.
Research Area: Steel structure, Cold formed steel, Rehabilitation & retrofit of structure, Wind Engineering, Disaster management with respect to Earthquake and innovative steel structures

Mobile No.9879510045
Office No.(O)0261-2201858

Office Email ajs[at]amd[dot]svnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Personal Email ajse408[at]yahoo[dot]com

Dr. Gaurang R. Vesmawala

Associate Professor, Ph. D.
Research Area: Earthquake Engineering, Structural Health Monitoring, Optimum design of space structures, Neural network applications in structural engineering and computer analysis & design of structures

Mobile No.9904003872
Office No.(O)0261-2201860

Office Email grv[at]amd[dot]svnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Personal Email grv22[at]yahoo[dot]com

Dr. P. V. Timbadiya

Associate Professor, Ph. D.
Research Area: Surface water hydrology, River analysis system, Hydrodynamic modeling

Mobile No.9426137917
Office No.(O)0261-2201862

Office Email pvtimbadiya[at]ced[dot]svnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Personal Email praful[dot]timbadiya[at]gmail[dot]com

Dr. Satyajit Patel

Associate Professor, Ph. D.
Research Area: Utilization of Industrial solid wastes in Civil Engineering Constructions, Geo-environmental Issues, Soil stabilization, Ground improvement, Geo-synthetics for road pavements

Mobile No.9714740022
Office No.(O)0261-2201863

Office Email spatel[at]amd[dot]svnit[dot]ac[dot]in

Dr. S. R. Suryawanshi

Associate Professor, Ph. D.
Research Area: Computational Mechanics, Analytical Modelling of Structural Concrete, Flexural and Non-Flexural Behaviour of Concrete Structures

Mobile No.9316851979
Office No.(O)0261-2201864

Office Email ssr[at]amd[dot]svnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Personal Email 2611ssr[at]gmail[dot]com

Dr. Anant Parghi

Associate Professor, Ph. D.
Research Area: Seismic analysis and design smart materials and their structural application (Shape memory alloys, Nano materials), seismic retrofitting of steel and masonry structures recycle/reuse of industrial wastes for structural applications, finite element analysis structural dynamics, constitutive relationship application of advanced composites materials-fiber reinforced polymer(FRP) and sprayed-Fiber reinforced polymer multi-criteria optimization and statistics.

Mobile No.9428457867
Office No.(O)0261-2201868

Office Email amp[at]amd[dot]svnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Personal Email anantparghi[at]ymail[dot]com

Dr. Bhaven N. Tandel

Associate Professor, Ph. D.
Research Area: Noise pollution modelling and mapping, Health impact of noise pollution, Air quality modelling and mapping, Indoor air quality, Odour pollution, EIA & Environmental legislation

Mobile No.9825553175
Office No.(O)0261-2201869

Office Email bnt[at]ced[dot]svnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Personal Email bhaventandel[at]gmail[dot]com

Dr. Patel Chetankumar Ramanlal

Associate Professor, Ph. D.
Research Area: Active relation of Physical planning, Climate change and Urban Sprawl in Indian context, Active Transportation and policies for Carbon free cities. Housing Redevelopment Policy to defragment urban slums: an initiative for Housing Stock, Urban Freight Trip Generation Modelling with special reference to Urban logistic sprawl, Public Bicycle Sharing System: an alternative Sustainable mode of transport in large and medium cities of India. Quantification of Urban Sprawl and land use. Big data and IoT in Urban Planning and Transportation Planning

Mobile No.9898603853
Office No.(O)0261-2201870

Office Email crp[at]ced[dot]svnit[dot]ac[dot]in

Dr. Ganesh D. Kale

Associate Professor, Ph. D.
Research Area: Effect of Climate Change on Hydrology, Rainfall Runoff Modelling, Application of GIS and Remote Sensing in Water Resources Engineering, Application of GA, Fuzzy-Logic and ANN in Water Resources Engineering, Optimization in Water Resources Engineering

Mobile No.9824166374
Office No.(O)0261-2201871

Office Email gdk[at]ced[dot]svnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Personal Email samarth_ganesh2003[at]yahoo[dot]com

Dr. B. Kondraivendhan

Associate Professor, Ph. D.
Research Area: Pore structure characterization and modeling of pore size distribution of cement based materials. Effect of pozzolanic materials addition/replacement in cement based system. Strength and durability studies on cement based material. Studies on reinforced concrete corrosion. Repair and rehabilitation of concrete structures

Mobile No.8758209578
Office No.(O)0261-2201873

Office Email bkv[at]amd[dot]svnit[dot]ac[dot]in

Dr. Namrata D. Jariwala

Associate Professor, Ph. D.
Research Area: Helth related issues in solid waste mangement practice, Environmetal Education, Environmet and health, Air pollution

Mobile No.9427492963
Office No.(O)0261-2201874

Office Email ndj[at]ced[dot]svnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Personal Email nd_jariwala[at]yahoo[dot]co[dot]in

Dr. Shailendra kumar

Associate Professor, Ph. D.
Research Area: Ground Improvement Techniques, Soil Stabilization, Reinforced Earth & Geosynthetics and Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering

Mobile No.7016522404
Office No.(O)0261-2201876

Office Email skumar[at]amd[dot]svnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Personal Email skumar1863[at]gmail[dot]com

Dr. (Mrs.) Shruti J. Shukla

Associate Professor, Ph. D.
Research Area: Geo-technical engineering and soil improvement techniquesPursuing research in the field of piled raft foundation

Mobile No.9712900868
Office No.(O)0261-2201877

Office Email sdv[at]amd[dot]svnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Personal Email vaidya_shruti2001[at]yahoo[dot]com

Assistant Professor

Dr. Tailor Ravin Maheshkumar

Assistant Professor, Ph. D.
Research Area: Urban Infrastructure Planning, Pavement Design and Assessment

Mobile No.9825426592
Office No.(O)0261-2201875

Office Email ravin[at]ced[dot]svnit[dot]ac[dot]in

Dr. J. B. Patel

Assistant Professor, M.Tech.
Research Area: Ground Improvement

Mobile No.9725757937
Office No.(O)0261-2201872

Office Email pjb[at]amd[dot]svnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Personal Email jig8107[at]gmial[dot]com

Dr. Jitesh T. Chavda

Assistant Professor, Ph. D.
Research Area: Computational Geomechanics, Deep Foundations, Deep Excavations,Use of PIV Technique in Geotechnical Engineering,Physical Modelling in Geotechnical Engineering,Seismic Hazard Analysis, Dynamic Soil Properties, Constitutive Modelling in Geotechnics, Conservation of Heritage Structures

Mobile No.9773134790
Office No.(O)0261-2201880

Office Email jtc[at]amd[dot]svnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Personal Email jiteshchavda03[at]yahoo[dot]in

Dr. Kashyap A. Patel

Assistant Professor, Ph. D.
Research Area: Structural Engineering,Steel-concrete Composite Structures, Reinforced Concrete Structures, Bridge Engineering,Structural Health Monitoring, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting

Mobile No.9718993561, 9265624394
Office No.(O)0261-2201882

Office Email kapatel[at]amd[dot]svnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Personal Email svnit[dot]kapatel[at]gmail[dot]com

Shri. Amit J. Solanki

Assistant Professor, M.E.

Mobile No.9409237192
Office No.(O)0261-2201878

Office Email ajs[at]ced[dot]svnit[dot]ac[dot]in

Dr. Smaranika Panda

Assistant Professor, Ph. D.
Research Area: Air Quality Management , Air Quality Modelling, Urban and Industrial Air Quality Monitoring, Carrying Capacity Studies, Chemical characterization of Particulates, Indoor Air Pollution, Exposure Analysis, Health Risk Assessment, Source Apportionment, Receptor Modelling

Mobile No.9444383276
Office No.(O)0261-2201883

Office Email smp[at]ced[dot]svnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Personal Email panda[dot]smaranika[at]gmail[dot]com

Dr. Tamizharasi G

Assistant Professor, Ph. D.
Research Area: Earthquake Engineering, Structural Dynamics

Mobile No.9790573247
Office No.(O)0261-2201884

Office Email gtamizh[at]amd[dot]svnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Personal Email tamizh[dot]pec[at]gmail[dot]com

Dr. Vishisht Bhaiya

Assistant Professor, Ph. D.
Research Area: Seismic Vibration Control and Anti-Seismic Devices, Probabilistic Framework for Seismic Design and Performance Assessment Uncertainty Modelling in Dynamical System, Discrete Element Modelling, Rehabilitation & Retrofitting, Disaster Mitigation and Management with respect to Multihazard events

Mobile No.7976218462
Office No.(O)0261-2201885

Office Email vishisht[at]amd[dot]svnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Personal Email vishishtbhaiya[at]gmail[dot]com

Dr. Banti A. Gedam

Assistant Professor, Ph. D.
Research Area: Fire effects on RC structures,Heat transfer evaluations,Performance-based fire-resistant design of RC member,Spalling mitigation of high-performance concrete and high-strength concrete at the catastrophic fire,Steel fibres in concretes, Post-fire investigations, Active and Passive Fire Protection - Designing and Planning, Shrinkage and creep modeling for concretes, Time-dependent behavior evaluation HPC bridges, Artificial intelligence programming for concrete materials and mechanical properties

Mobile No. -
Office No. -

Office Email bantiagedam[at]ced[dot]svnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Personal Email -