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Homi Jehangir Bhabha
(1909 - 1966)

Homi Jehangir Bhabha was a brilliant Indian physicist, often referred to as the "father of the Indian nuclear program". His scientific pursuits not only propelled India into the realm of nuclear science but also left an indelible mark on the global scientific community. Under Bhabha's leadership, India's nuclear ambitions took concrete shape.

One of Bhabha's seminal contributions came in the form of the 'Bhabha Scattering', a theory that elucidated the behaviour of cosmic rays in the Earth's atmosphere. This ground-breaking work not only earned him accolades within the scientific community but also propelled him onto the global stage. However, Bhabha's vision transcended mere academic pursuits; he harboured a deep-seated conviction regarding the pivotal role of nuclear energy in shaping the future of India. Upon returning to India in the 1940s, Bhabha embarked on a mission to establish world-class scientific institutions that would spearhead India's foray into nuclear research. In 1945, Bhabha founded the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) in Mumbai, which swiftly emerged as a crucible for cutting-edge scientific research. Under his stewardship, TIFR became a breeding ground for budding scientists and a nucleus for ground-breaking discoveries. Bhabha's crowning achievement came with the establishment of the Atomic Energy Commission of India in 1948. Recognizing the transformative potential of nuclear energy, he championed the cause of harnessing atomic power for peaceful purposes, laying the groundwork for India's nuclear program. Under Bhabha's leadership, India's nuclear ambitions took concrete shape. He spearheaded the construction of India's first nuclear reactor, Apsara, which achieved criticality in 1956, marking India's entry into the exclusive club of nations with nuclear capabilities.

Bhabha's scientific contributions transcend the confines of academia; they embody the spirit of ingenuity, perseverance, and national pride. His unwavering commitment to advancing scientific knowledge for the betterment of society continues to inspire generations of scientists and policymakers alike. Bhabha's legacy stands as a testament to the transformative power of scientific inquiry and visionary leadership.

Inspirational Quotes by Homi Bhabha:
"A scientific institution consists of individuals who have received the spirit of their age and transmitted it to the next generation."
"No success or achievement in material terms is worthwhile unless it serves the needs or interests of the country and its people."
"Research is not complete until the results are shared with the scientific community and society at large."
"The biggest enemy of scientific progress is the inability of people to think scientifically."
"The pursuit of knowledge for its own sake is futile unless it helps to address the challenges faced by humanity."

About Hostel

Bhabha Bhavan, inaugurated in 2012, comprises A-wing and B-wing, spanning from the 1st floor to the 8th floor, totalling 480 rooms. Among its facilities, there is a T.V. & T.T. Hall on the 5th floor, a C.C.F. Hall on the 4th floor, a reading area on the 2nd floor, and a conference room on the 3rd floor. Additionally, there is a night canteen located on the ground floor of the A-wing parking area. The guest rooms are situated on the 2nd and 3rd floors, with a total of 4 guest rooms available. The parking areas for both wings, a volleyball ground for the B-wing, and various gardens both inside and outside the wings are also part of the amenities provided by Bhabha Bhavan.

    The key facilities available for residents in Bhabha Bhavan:
    • Comfortable Accommodation:
    • Clean and well-maintained rooms
    • Comfortable beds
    • Individual storage spaces for belongings
    • Study table
    • Hygiene and Sanitation:
    • Clean bathrooms and toilets
    • 24/7 running water.
    • Filtered drinking water.
    • Proper waste disposal
    • Safety and Security:
    • Trained security personnel
    • CCTV cameras in common areas
    • Fire safety measures (extinguishers, water line etc.)
    • Displayed emergency contact information
    • Basic Amenities:
    • Uninterrupted power supply
    • Fans
    • Common areas for socializing and relaxation
    • Mess facilities
    • Library
    • Night canteen
    • Laundry
    • Lan/Wi-Fi connectivity.
    • Health and Well-being:
    • Easily accessible first aid kit
    • Proximity to medical facilities
    • Clean drinking water
    • Recreation and Entertainment:
    • T.V. room or entertainment area
    • Indoor or outdoor games
    • Magazine/Newspaper room
    • Efficient Management and Administration:
    • Adequate hostel staff
    • Grievance redressal mechanism
Conference Room

Hostel Mess Entry

Dining Area

Night Canteen

T. V. Room Entrance
Readnig Room

Hostel Mess

Dining Area

Night Canteen

T. V. Room
Volley Ball Ground

Dr. Arun Kumar Jana

Chief Warden

Phone 9574000192;
(O):0261 2201 650

Dr. Deepak Joshi


Phone 7896171659

Dr. Kaashyap Patel


Phone 9718993561, 9265624394

Dr. Vaidurya Jain


Phone 80904 93931

Hostel Management Committee (HMC): 2023-24

Rohit Raj

Hostel Secretary

Himanshu Soni

Technical Secretary

Jai Pal

Sports Secretary

Kush Dalsaniya

Cultural Secretary


Environment Secretary

Hemil Prajapati

Welfare Secretary


Mess Secretary