Bootcamp 4.0

The Bootcamp 4.0 on "Drones: Assembly, Navigation and Applications" is a collaborative effort between Sarvajanik College of Engineering and Technology (SCET) and Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology (SVNIT). It promises an enriching exploration of cutting-edge technologies from January 20-21 and January 26-28. Over five days and 40 hours, participants had series of expert talks, covering topics namely "Drone Basics, Data Communication and Networking for Drones, Drone light show, basics of circuit design, Arduino simulation based programming, MCU selection for drones, basic of 3d shapes and 3d printer technology, Object detection using Yolo and career options in this domain" This dynamic event has garnered an exceptional response, with over 40 registrations pouring in from colleges across Gujarat, demonstrating the widespread interest in emerging technologies, even during the weekends.
What sets the Bootcamp apart is not just its diverse array of topics but also the inclusion of industrial professionals eager to contribute their practical insights. This blend of academic enthusiasm and real-world expertise ensures a unique learning environment, offering attendees a comprehensive understanding of the discussed subjects. As the Bootcamp unfolds, it is poised to be a collaborative hub for innovation and knowledge exchange, fostering a community of tech enthusiasts and professionals eager to shape the future of technology.

Participants interacted with renowned academicians and industry persons for their future endeavors. Further, the participants identify stepping stones for their research. Also, the participants appreciated the overall organization of the training programme and showed their interest to attend such programs at SVNIT in the future. The organizing committee is thankful to Meity, Government of India to provide the opportunity to conduct this boot camp 4.0.
Social Media Cell, SVNIT