Basic Electronics Lab
This laboratory is intended for performing laboratory exercises for subjects like Basic of Electronics Engineering (BEC), Workshop Practice (WP) and Branch Specific-II (EDC) of the First year and Linear Electronics of the second year students. It is well equipped with the sufficient numbers of Digital storage oscilloscopes, Function Generators, Power Supplies, cathode-ray oscilloscope, Digital Multi-meters, Component Development System Trainers, Universal IC Tester, Soldering Stations, etc.
Shri. Naresh B. Kanirkar
Lab Incharge
- 9924729298
Mr. Sonu
Lab Assistant
- 8860351508
Subject being Covered
Basics of Electronics Engineering (ECE209)
Workshop Practice (ME111)
Linear Electronics (EC209)
Branch Specific-II (EDC XXX 114 S2)
Major Instruments & Kits
Digital Storage Oscilloscopes (Tektronix)
Function Generators (Scientech)
Multi output Power Supply
Active Components (Transistors) Boards
Kits for characterization of BJT, FET, Diode, SCR, UJT, LDR etc.
Two Stage RC Coupled Amplifier, Class B Push pull Amplifier, Current Series Negative Feedback Amplifier & Voltage-Shunt Negative Feedback Amplifier.
Phase Shift Oscillator, Colpits Oscillator, Hartly Oscillator, LC Oscillator using BJT and FET
Half wave, Full wave and Bridge Rectifier.